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the blond took a deep breath, something he seemed to be doing a lot of, to calm himself. his nerves were all over the place. he closed out of his apps and dropped his phone into his lap. his thoughts wandered, going from what his soulmate might look like or if jimin would be good enough for him. jimin often got insecure easily and over the smallest things so it's no surprise that he was now too, especially at such an important time.

he sighed for the umpth time and took another sip of his cool latte, his eyes still remaining closed. when he pulled the rim away from his lips, someone to his left cleared their throat. he looked over and nearly dropped the cup in his hands, his breathe catching in the back of his throat. this was his soulmate, the feeling and awe he got from just a slight glance was enough to confirm that.

the raven haired man in front of him released a shaky breath, offering a small gummy smile that would've had jimin's knees buckling had he been standing. "it's nice to meet you soulmate, i'm yoongi," there was the slightest shimmer of silver in his mouth as he spoke. his soulmate had a tongue piercing. that's hot. the older held his hand out.

jimin reached up and took the raven's larger hand, nearly gasping at the electrical shock that ran through his arm as their hands touched. "it's nice to finally meet you, i'm jimin," he introduced, smiling one of his closed eyed smiles.

as yoongi stepped out of the room, he glanced down the hall to see a blond boy sitting there and holy shit was he was breathtaking. yoongi was finding it hard to breathe because never had he seen such a beautiful person in his entire life. he took a deep breath before moving toward the beautiful man.

once he stood close enough, he cleared his throat to get the man's attention and when the blond looked at him, he almost wished he had been sitting because he could barely keeping his knees from buckling. how'd he get so lucky? "it's nice to meet you soulmate, i'm yoongi," he introduced, his breath still slightly shaky. he was quite grateful that his voice hadn't cracked or he'd stuttered because that would've been embarrassing.

the blond flashed a beautiful smile as he took yoongi hand in his smaller one. "it's nice to finally meet you too, i'm jimin," yoongi already knew his name from seokjin, but it sounded a lot better coming from the man himself.

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