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jimin glanced around nervously, nibbling at his bottom lip out of habit. he wondered what was taking his soulmate so long but he had to remember that these kinds of jobs were time consuming and he couldn't rush them. he took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair to relax at least a little before he were to meet his soulmate. each passing second to him felt like hours as he stared at the back of his eyelids.

when he opened them, he reached for his coffee and took a sip of the sweet, caramel latte which had cooled to room temperature during the time he had been there. he momentarily wondered if his soulmate's coffee would be cold by the time he got to it.

namjoon walked by him and down the short hall before stopping at a door. the purple haired man knocked and after a moment, the door opened but jimin couldn't see nor hear who he spoke to from his spot so he turned his attention back to his phone.

a knock resounded throughout the room, catching the attention of the room's occupants. yoongi stood and opened the door to see namjoon in front of him. "what is it? i'm just finishing up here," he stated briefly, somewhat annoyed at having been interrupted.

"uh your soulmate is here, has been for like ten minutes now," namjoon informed, motioning down the hall towards the waiting area.

"why didn't you tell me he was here earlier?" yoongi asked quickly, jumping up from his chair, suddenly feeling bad for making his soulmate wait so long.

"you were with a client, didn't want to disturb," namjoon defended simply.

"will you please finish this up? i don't want to make him wait any longer," yoongi asked, already grabbing his things before namjoon even had a chance to answer him.

"good luck," lisa gave him a thumbs up and as well as a grin as he hurried in packing up his things.

"don't make a fool out of yourself," the purple haired man teased.

"kiss my ass," the raven murmured as namjoon stepped out of the way so yoongi could leave.

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