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the ride was spent with jimin talking most the time, yoongi only occasionally adding input but neither seemed to mind. when they did get to the building, yoongi led the way in and onto the elevator where he hugging the younger boy from behind, his head resting on jimin's shoulder.

"what's this for?" jimin giggled, lacing their fingers together, glancing over at him while they waiting for the elevator to reach their floor.

"just wanted to hold you," the other answered simply, slight shrug. jimin could feel the pounding of the other's heart against his back and smiled a bit, loving that yoongi's heart was beating just as fast as his own was.

when the elevator arrived at yoongi's floor, he reluctantly let go and opted for holding his hand until they arrived at his door. he released his hand once again to unlock the door before letting jimin in first.

yoongi showed him around the apartment, aside for namjoon's and hoseok's rooms, before they both decided upon ordering some take out. yoongi had thought ahead and told his other two roommates to go to their boyfriend's so he could have the apartment to himself with jimin without distractions. while the raven was busy pouring them glasses of wine, jimin took the opportunity to check his wrist.

"just wanted to hold you," the blond grinned happily at the sight of words along his wrist. he felt like a love-struck teenage girl but he honestly couldn't help it.

the raven handed him a glass of wine upon coming back, taking a seat beside him on the couch. "what's got you smiling like that?" he asked curiously, sipping his wine while eyeing the younger man.

jimin said nothing, only holding up his wrist for yoongi to read while he too sipped his wine, smile not leaving his lips. the raven glanced down at his wrist only to find the words hadn't changed since the day before but he only shrugged, the words would change at some point that night.

the blond turned, pulling his legs up and onto the other's lap, seated sideways on the couch to face his soulmate. "thank you," he murmured gently, leaning forward to rest his head against the older's shoulder.

"for?" yoongi whispered softly, resting his free hand on jimin's knee.

"everything," jimin whispered back, not wanting to ruin the calm aura that had fallen upon the room.

yoongi kisses the other's forehead. "i should be the one thanking you," he murmured gently against the other's tan skin.

jimin blushed a bit as he lifted his head to meet yoongi's lips in a passionate kiss. when the two pulled back, they both had small smiles stuck on their lips. "you know," jimin began. "i still want to see your tattoos," he giggled.

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