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"hey jin hyung, can i talk to you when you go on break?" jimin asked, leaning over the counter of the coffee shop while the older made his drink.

"of course jiminie," he gave the blond a motherly smile before handing him the paper cup, the warmth of the drink radiating from it but not enough to burn either of them.

jimin smiled and paid before taking a seat at one of the empty seats. he scrolled through social media while he waited, wondering if his soulmate had social media too.

"hey jin hyung, can i talk to you when you go on break?"

jin? his soulmate was at seokjin's café? there's no way he'd make it there on time seeing as he had a client right now. he was a tattoo artist which was often time consuming.

"do you mind if i step out for a moment? i really need to make a phone call," yoongi asked his female client, lisa, desperately.

"of course," she nodded once she saw his desperation. yoongi quickly stepped out of the room and dialed seokjin's number.

he stood there a moment and finally on the last ring, seokjin picked up. "what is it yoongi? i'm at work," the older male murmured.

"who was just asking to talk to you during your break?" he asked quickly.

there was a moment of silence while the other thought. "you mean jimin? how'd you- wait," he paused again. "you must be jimin's soulmate," seokjin chuckled. "would you like to talk to him?"


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