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jimin quickly stood and went to stand in line, nervously tapping his foot. as the line moved along, the blond couldn't help the anxious feeling blossom in his chest. when he got to the register, seokjin set a paper cup in front of him.

"for yoo- your soulmate, right?" the older asked knowingly. "on the house," he assured before gong to the next customer.

"thank you!" jimin smiled, a wide closed eyed smile, before exiting the café with both cups in hand.

yoongi took a deep breath before stepping back into the room. "sorry about that," he apologized, taking his seat again.

"it's alright," lisa smiled assuringly. "i take it you just talked to your soulmate for the first time?" before yoongi could ask how she knew, she continued "i can tell by the breathlessness and the look on your face. i was the same way," she replied.

he nodded briefly, continuing on the sketch of her tattoo design while they spoke. "he's actually on his way here," he added.

"he?" she asked. it wasn't uncommon to have a soulmate of the same gender but in some places, it more common than others.

yoongi sat up straighter. "is there something wrong with that?" suddenly feeling a bit defensive.

"no! not at all! my soulmate is actually also a girl. you just took me by surprise," lisa exclaimed quickly.

yoongi chuckled a bit, relaxing in the process before finishing up the sketch, showing it to her. once he got her approval, he began on the tattoo itself.

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