twenty eight

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as soon as he stepped into the studio, jimin knew something was wrong. he could sense the tension in the air of the nearly unoccupied room and the frown on hoseok's lips, something not usually common when it came to the older man, only further fueled his worry. he strode over to the two men, dropping his dance bag by the door as he moved.

he stopped in front of the only other two in the room. "what's wrong?" he asked, his brows furrowing in worry, eyes flitting between the two. he was always one to worry over his friends.

hoseok seemed to hesitate in his response. "when was the last time you spoke to yoongi hyung?" he asked slowly.

jimin tensed slightly, breath momentarily getting caught in his throat at the notion of something being wrong with his soulmate. "yesterday before i went to taehyung's, why is he okay? did something happen?" the blond replied, his chest tightening at the thought of something happening toyoongi.

"i.." hoseok trialed off, trying to find the words to say. "this morning when I came home from jungkookie's, i found yoongi out on the balcony shirtless. he was out there for hours and apparently didn't sleep last night. he was freezing," he trailed off and paused again but jimin sensed he wasn't done so he remained silent. "i also found out that he was smoking cigarettes, not sure how many but it's something he hasn't done in awhile," he murmured.

jimin stayed silent, taking in the information. "did he tell you if anything was wrong?" he asked gently, beginning to nibble on his bottom lip nervously.

"hyung doesn't openly talk about his feelings.. unless you force him or he trusts you a lot which is why i figured you'd know.." hoseok trialed off again.

the blond frowned deeply. "i don't.. he didn't tell me anything.. i'll talk to him after our classes," jimin assured, worrying over his soulmate.

later that evening, after his classes, jimin had hoseok drop him off at the tattoo parlor in order to speak to yoongi. he stepped into the familiar building, the bell chiming, signaling a customer. jimin glanced around and spotted namjoon making his way towards the younger man from the hallway.

"i take it hoseok told you?" namjoon murmured upon stopping in front of the blond. jimin nodded, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth worriedly. "you've got perfect timing too, his last appointment just left so you can just head in," the purple haired man motioned down the hall.

jimin nodded politely, making his way down the hall before stopping in front of yoongi's door. he paused, taking a deep breath before gently grasping the handle and pushing the door open. quiet rap music flooded his ears as yoongi looked up from the sketchbook in front of him. a small smile graced the raven's lips. "hey sunshine," he murmured, pushing his chair back and opening his arms for the younger man.

jimin shuffled into the room, closing the door behind him before making his way over to yoongi and climbing into his lap, place his thighs on either side of the older man's hips. yoongi's arms wrapped around him, gently rubbing his lower back. "are you okay?" jimin asked softly, leaning forward to rest his head on yoongi's shoulder.

the older rubbed up and down the man's back gently. "i'm alright, just got a little overwhelmed," he assured. "don't worry too much, alright baby?" he placed a gentle kiss along the younger's jaw before burying his face into the blond's neck.

"i care a lot about you, yoongi hyung, i'm always going to worry about you," jimin murmured stubbornly. yoongi's heart fluttered a bit in his chest as he pulled the younger closer to him.

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