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his soulmate saying please? definitely unheard of in jimin's book.

"hey jiminie, there's a call for you," seokjin came around the counter and held the phone out to the blond.

"for me?" his brows furrowed in confusion, hesitantly taking the phone from the older. "who is it?" he asked the older. 

"why don't you figure it out?" seokjin replied, offering a smile before walking back to the counter.

he watched him, a bit confused before slowly putting the phone to his ear. "hello?"

the raven's breath caught in his throat at the beautiful sound of jimin's voice. he nearly forgot how to breathe let alone speak for a moment until he heard the other speak up again. "hello?" the other's soft voice spoke up, sounding slightly agitated at the lack of response.

"umm hi," he spoke, mentally face palming for sounding so awkward. he heard a sharp in take of breath from the other line and he briefly wondered if his voice made his soulmate just as choked up as he was.

"who..." jimin began, attempting to catch his breath. "who is this?" the younger breathed, still sounding slightly winded.

the raven leaned up against the wall outside his office door. "i would rather tell you when we meet in person," he replied.

"yeah, sure, of course. when? i'm free for the rest of today," jimin replied eagerly, practically ready to jump out of his seat.

yoongi couldn't help the gummy smile that wiggled its way onto his lips. "i just have one more appointment. we can meet after that, sound good?"

"definitely, just tell me where to meet you," the other replied eagerly. yoongi told him the address and jimin asked what kind of coffee he liked, much to the older confusion. it wasn't until they hung up that yoongi realized why he had asked.

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