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the blond lie awake, his gaze on the ceiling, a warmth in his arms. who was yoongi talking about? past lovers perhaps? although that thought had crossed his mind, he thought it to be unlikely. he shook the thoughts from his head and focused on the breaths of his soulmate, letting the sound lull him to sleep.

the next morning, yoongi had awoken first but hadn't moved from the younger's arms, opting to stay comfortable, warm and safe. plus, he really didn't want to get up and go to work. so he nuzzled his face further into his boyfriend's neck and attempted to move even closer to the blond's warmth. at the movement, jimin stirred awake only to pull yoongi closer and drift back to sleep.

a small smile played at yoongi's lips as he too drifted back to sleep.

when yoongi awoke next, it was to the sound of a phone ringing. with a groan, he pulled himself out of the now empty bed. he blinked at the name namjoon before answering the call.

"where the hell are you? the studio opened an hour ago! do you have any idea how worried i was?! how come you didn't answer the first ten times i called!?" the raven had to hold the phone a bit away from his ear just so his eardrums wouldn't blow.

once he deemed that the purple haired man done with his rant, he pulled the phone back to his ear. "sorry, i stayed the night at jimin's and i really wasn't feeling great this morning so i slept in a bit," yoongi explained calmly.

namjoon sighed. "right, just hurry here, you have an appointment in about an hour," and with that, the younger man hung up.

yoongi sighed before checking his other notifications. he vaguely noted that namjoon did indeed call him ten other times before he picked up. he also sees a text from his boyfriend and a fond gummy smile appears on his lips as he reads it.

minnie: good morning hyung, sorry for not waking you up when i left, you just looked so cute ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)  have a great day! i'll come by after work! :) [08:23]

with that, he pushes himself from the bed. deciding he wasn't going to stop by his apartment, to save time, he opted to just use jimin's shower and wear his clothes. he shuffled to the bathroom and started up the shower, checking in the closets for towels until he found them. he stripped before stepping into the shower, letting the warm water run over his skin, relaxing his tense muscles.

he reached for the shampoo and poured a decent amount into his hand before running it through his black hair, smiling slightly a jimin's fruity scent that he found oh so endearing. he rinsed his hair out before using jimin's body wash as well as his conditioner. after his shower, he dried off and with the towel around his waist, he shifted through jimin's clothing items, making sure to leave it neat for the younger while he searched.

although the blond owned quite a lot of feminine clothes, there were also some masculine garments as well. however, yoongi opted for a pair of black fishnets under a black, high waisted skirt and a long-sleeved black and white striped shirt tucked into said skirt. he would've worn jeans or shorts but the blond wore a size bigger than him so they wouldn't have fit. he used the younger man's hair dryer quickly before collecting his things in order to head to work, leaving his dirty clothes at the younger's place. he figured he'd be back for them anyway or maybe the blond would like to wear them, who knows.

on his way to his car, he decided to respond to his boyfriend's message.

baby: good morning, i'm on my way to work now. i hope you don't mind but i had to take a shower at your place and i burrowed some of your clothes. have a great day, see you later. [08:52]

jimin was quick to respond, much to the older man's surprise.

minnie: i don't mind! can't wait to see you later! [08:53]

yoongi climbed into his car as he read the message, his heart swelling with adoration for the younger man. he was so whipped.

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