twenty one

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the next afternoon, jimin found himself at his dance class, observing the class. this was his class to teach but jungkook was there for demonstrating how each move was done. how each class worked was each day one of them would observe the class, make sure each student is doing what needs to be done while another teacher or teachers, in this case, jungkook, demonstrates how the moves are done if not done correctly.

jimin's job was to observe for today so he wore an outfit that wasn't suited for dancing in. said outfit consisted of a skin tight, cropped, black turtle neck that read cry baby in japanese across the chest inside a box, below the bottom of the box read cry baby in english. he also wore a high waisted white skirt that reached mid thigh followed by black and white thick stripped thigh highs, a pair of all white, low top vans, a black tattoo chocker and his usual dangly ears. he hoped yoongi would stop by so he could show off his looked because he seemed to be feeling a bit more confident than usual.

"kookie, i'll be back," jimin excused before exiting the studio and making his way to the vending machine in search of a drink, wallet in hand. after deciding upon a simple water, he made his way back to the studio only to be stopped by one of women waiting in the lobby, possibly for a friend or soulmate because jimin didn't recognize her from any of the classes.

"can I help you?" jimin spoke politely, offering a slight smile towards the young lady in front of him.

"yeah, can I ask why you're dressed like a fag?" She spoke rudely, disgust in her tone. jimin stared, a bit taken aback at the rude comment. "you're a man, fucking act like it. it's so disgusting seeing men wearing skirts like grow a pair and start acting like the right gender," the woman scuffed. the blond still said nothing, his chest tightening in emotional pain. "it's a shame, good looks are wasted on people like you, you shouldn't even be allowed to li-"

"excuse me, don't ever speak to my best friend like that, it's people like you that are disgusting," the woman was suddenly cut of by a deep voice, jimin immediately recognized it as his best friend, taehyung. "why does it matter to you what someone else wears? grow up and stop actually like a child, stopping making people's lives worse," the male scuffed. "get the fuck outta my sight," the woman was out the door in seconds.

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