twenty nine

130 11 3

that night, yoongi had gone to jimin's to stay the night, seeing as he didn't want to be alone. he borrowed a pair of the younger's sweatpants but opted to remain shirtless. the two lie tangled up in bed sheets, jimin lie on his back with yoongi's head buried in his neck, the younger's fingers running soothingly through his hair. yoongi's arm was laid across jimin's middle, the other tucked to his chest while their legs tangled together, the sheets pulled up to their middle.

jimin broke the silence of the quiet bedroom with a hesitant whisper. "can i ask what happened?"

"hm?" yoongi hummed in question.

"last night, can i ask what happened?" he rephrased quietly.

all he got was silence and for a moment, jimin didn't think he'd answer until the elder let out a sigh. "i don't like the silence. i wouldn't call it a fear but whenever it's too quiet, my thoughts start running and I get paranoid," he explained. "hobi and joon never really leave me alone, they probably only live in the apartment with me still because they know how i can get when no one is around," he continued.

"i'm sure they still live in the apartment because they enjoy living with you," jimin disagreed, frowning at the idea of his soulmate thinking that.

"no, they have soulmates that they want to move in with. i overheard joon talking about it with seokjin. i'm holding them back and i hate it," his voice breaks and he goes silent. jimin pulls him closer. after a moment, yoongi speaks up again. "they would always make sure one of them was at the apartment whenever i was there, the only reason they haven't been recently is because i met you and i bet they thought that i'd spend all of my time with you so they wouldn't have to take care of me anymore," the elder's voice wavered with his words, an occasional break in his explanation.

jimin's heart broke hearing his soulmate sound so broken. "it's okay baby," the younger turned into his side and pulled the older closer so they lie chest to chest. he leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead. "i doubt they see you as someone they have to take care of, it's more like someone they want to take care of. they care a lot about you. when i walked into the studio this morning, hoseok was so distraught, he just wants to make sure you're okay," the blond whispered softly, running his hands gently through his hair.

they fell into silence, the only noise being the occasional sniffle from yoongi. "please don't leave me..." the elder suddenly murmured vulnerably. "don't leave me like they did..." he trailed off followed by a sniffle.

"who?" jimin asked, suddenly a bit alarmed as to who hurt yoongi in the past. however, the only response he seemed to get was the quiet snores coming from the older man in his arms.

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