twenty five

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the next morning, jimin found himself curled up in a warm, peppermint scented comforter. soft, slightly loose grey sweatpants clung to his legs while a loose, white t-shirt hung from his shoulders. the blond shuffled, reaching around the bed in search of another but when all he felt was empty space, he groaned and lifted his head to glance around the room. he found it to be empty of anyone but himself.

he sighed before slowly sitting up, only now did he smell the food in the air. he was quick to push the comforter off and swing his legs over the bed to see what was being cooked. he made his way groggily to the kitchen where he found his shirtless boyfriend making pancakes with a pair of low rise, black sweatpants. he hummed slightly, watching him fondly as he shuffled over, slipping his arms around him from behind.

"good morning sunshine," yoongi hummed, the younger man resting his head on his bare shoulder. "how'd you sleep?" he asked as he carefully flipped a pancake.

"better than i have in awhile," jimin admitted tiredly, enjoying the warmth radiating from the older man.

yoongi hummed in response. "good. hope you're hungry," he spoke up before motioning to the plate with two chocolate chip pancakes already resting upon it, a bottle of syrup and a fork resting beside the plate.

"very," jimin murmured, pressing a quick kiss to yoongi's cheek before letting go to get his pancakes. after putting a decent amount of syrup atop his pancakes, he moved to stand on the other side of the island so he could admire the raven's tattoos along his back. however, one in particular seemed to catch his attention.

"yoongi," jimin suddenly called, a hum from the older signaled him to continue. "whenever you start the design for my tattoo, would you design it similar to the one on your lower back?" he asked, admiring the tattoo just barely managing not to be covered by sweatpants. the four flowers connected, though they seemed to be formed by a single looped line. he vaguely wondered why he hadn't seen them before when yoongi showed him his tattoos.

"you mean the flowers?" the raven asked, glancing back at the younger before moving the pancake onto a new plate.

"yeah," the blond replied simply, using his fork to cut the pancakes and shove bites into his mouth.

"yeah, i see no problem with that," he replied simply, turning off the stove and moving to sit on the stool beside him.

the new couple spent much of their afternoon lazing around in bed and sharing sloppy kisses. the dance studio was closed on thursdays so jimin didn't have work and yoongi didn't have any appointments until later that afternoon so neither saw a need to get out of bed. plus, hoseok and namjoon's weren't there to bug them. jimin simply loved laying close to his soulmate, legs entangled, head resting on the elder's chest while the raven carded his fingers gently through his hair. it was calming and every bad thing that had ever plagued his mind had seemingly disappeared as he breathed in the older man's minty scent.

it was while the two were laying there that jimin caught sight of his wrist. a smile broke out on his lips as he read the words yoongi had spoke to him yesterday. "even if you think you look like a mess, to me, you look beautiful".

"what's got you smiling?" yoongi asked, feeling the younger man smile against his chest.

"nothing, just looking at my soulmark," he answered fondly, admiring the cursive writing on his forearm. yoongi hummed, gently grasping the younger's hand and pulling it into his line of sight to read the words. "will you pass me my phone?" jimin asked, motioning to the side table.

yoongi nodded. "what for?" he asked as he reached over, careful not to shift and ruin either of their comfort.

"want to take a picture of my mark," he answered simply. the raven raised a brow in question. "wanted to brag about what a sweet boyfriend i have," Jimin murmured as he leaned up to kiss him gently, feeing the older man smile a bit against his lips.

when the two pulled back, yoongi handed him his phone and the younger sat up take the picture. the raven groaned as jimin left his arms, the cold air now hitting his side where jimin once was. the blond took the picture of his soulmark before laying back down in his arms.

"we're gonna have to get up soon," the older murmured, turning on his side to pull jimin closer to his chest and bury his head into the blond's shoulder.

jimin giggled at his soulmate. "you make it sound like the end of the world," he teased.

yoongi only hummed. "will i be seeing you after work?" he asked, muffled into the skin of jimin's neck

"not tonight, i promised my friend taehyung that i'd hang out with him tonight and he'd stay the night at my place," jimin murmured. "speaking of taehyung, turns out he's hoseok hyung and jungkook's other soulmate," he continued.

yoongi hummed. "good that they found their missing third," he commented.

jimin smiled. "i want to stop by seokjin's café, would you be willing to drop me off and stay at my apartment while i get ready?" he asked, nibbling at his bottom lip nervously.

"sure, i wouldn't mind waiting. plus i'd get to see your apartment," he commented. last time the raven was at jimin's place, he hadn't seen the inside.

the blond smiled. "okay."

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