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jimin arrived at the tattoo parlor, admiring the artwork along the outer walls of the brick building for a moment. he took a deep breath before stepping into the shop. he glanced around the surrounding area, taking in the calming interior of the tattoo parlor. however, he didn't even know what or who to look for, he figured he'd just know when he saw his soulmate but as he glanced around the room, he came up empty handed.

"jimin?" a voice to the side of him called, causing the blond to turn towards him. "seokjin told me you'd be here soon," he explained. "i'm seokjin's soulmate, namjoon," he offered a dimply smile and held his hand out.

"you already know my name apparently," jimin chuckled, setting his coffee down on the counter to shake the man's hand.

"he's with a client right now but he should be done any minute," namjoon assured, jimin assumed the purple haired man was talking about his soulmate. "you can take a seat in the mean time," he motioned to the empty chairs of the waiting area.

"alright, thank you," jimin smiled politely before going to take a seat. he tapped his foot anxiously, coffees on the end table to his right, phone in his other hand as he occupied himself with social media.

yoongi finished up his work, only discussing the aftercare process with lisa but the nervousness in his tone was evident.

she suddenly giggled, catching the tattoo artist off guard. "don't be so nervous, i'm sure he's just as excited to meet you," she assured, trying to ease the blond's nerves, if even a little.

he smiled sheepishly. "it's hard not to be," he replied before proceeding with his instructions.

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