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after their meal, yoongi paid and the two made their way out. without much thought, they grasped one another's hand, their fingers intertwining as if they had done it a million times before.

"i had a lot of fun today," jimin commented, a soft smile gracing his lips.

yoongi couldn't help but stare. how the hell did he get so lucky? he must've done a lot of good in his past life. "so did i," he agreed. "maybe we can do this again sometime?" he suggested quietly, hoping jimin wouldn't reject him.

the smile on the blond's face only got bigger. "i'd love to," he agreed. "want to exchange numbers? it'd be easier to make plans that way," he suggested, though it was just an excuse to get the older's number.

"sure," yoongi agreed, reluctantly pulling his hand from jimin's grasp to trade phones and exchange numbers.

after handing back one another's phone and re-lacing their fingers, the raven spoke up again. "mind if i walk you home?" he asked, wanting to stay by the man's side as long as possible.

"it's okay, i don't want to cause any trouble," the blond replied quietly.

"i don't mind, plus it's more of an excuse to spend more time with you," yoongi admitted, a pink hue spread across the younger's cheeks and he looked away in an attempt to hide it.

"then i'd love to," he replied, a smile in his tone. the two walked in comfortable silence as jimin led the way to his apartment.

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