twenty four

195 13 0

the raven looked slightly startled, having not expecting jimin to say that so suddenly. "i- uh- um," the blond stuttered, anxiety taking over his chest as he tried to fix his slip up.

yoongi leaned forward and kissed him again in an attempt to quiet his rambling before he spoke up. "okay, i'll gladly be your boyfriend," he agreed.

the blond stared, tears spilling once again but the small smile that grew on his face exhibited his happiness. he wrapped his around around the raven's neck, laying his head on his shoulder while yoongi's arms snaked around his waist to hold him.

after a moment, yoongi pulled back and kissed him. "as much as i'd love to keep holding you, i do have to work," he murmured against plump, pink lips. the blond shivered slightly as the older man's tongue piercing brushed against his lips.

jimin then giggled, pulling back and taking a seat in the spare chair on the opposite side of yoongi's desk. the raven took his spot behind the desk, continuing on the sketch he had previously been working on before jimin came.

the blond spent his time admiring both the sketch yoongi was working on for tattoo design as well as his now boyfriend. his mind drifted off, his eyes gazing adoringly upon the raven. he didn't know how long his mind was gone but when he finally came out of his thoughts, he found yoongi's eyes locked on his own.

"sunshine, i can't focus when you look at me like that," the raven deadpanned, resisting the overwhelming urge to kiss the younger man senseless.

jimin spluttered, blush spread across his cheeks. "s-sunshine?" he bit his lower lip.

yoongi reaches forward and grasped his chin, successfully pulling like bottom lip from between the blond's teeth. "you heard me," he replied simply before continuing on with his work.

the younger of the two pressed his lips together in an attempt to hide his smile, his chest fluttered at the pet name. he had always had a weak spot for pet names.

"sunshine," yoongi called in order to catch the younger's attention. they had been there for a little over two hours now, the raven didn't have any costumers for the rest of the day though. said blond was simply scrolling through shopping websites, something usual for him. "do you want me to walk you home or would like to stay at my place?" he asked once the man lifted his head.

jimin smiled slightly at the question. "your place," he answered easily. he wanted to finish his day cuddling his soulmate to end his day on a better note.

yoongi nodded, standing and putting the sketchbook on the shelf next to three others. "ready?" he asked, slipping a grey hoodie on over his white t-shirt.

jimin nodded, standing and adjusting his black, cropped turtle neck a bit. as the two exited the room, yoongi slipped his hand into jimin's glancing around the room to make sure he had everything before flipping the light switch off.

the two made their way a few steps down the hall before yoongi stopped to knock on a door, a call of "come in" came through, muffled by the door. "i'm heading out, i'll see you later unless you go to seokjin's," the raven excused, the room's occupant, namjoon, called a quick goodbye followed by a comment on how he wouldn't be home later before the door was closed and they were on their way to yoongi's shared apartment.

"so baby, i'm curious," yoongi began as they neared the older's apartment. jimin hummed in response, signaling the other to continue. "why is it that you seem to have such a fascination with tattoos but don't have any of your own?" he asked.

jimin shrugged. "i'd never really thought about it before," he murmured. "i guess i never found a design i liked enough to get permanently on myself," he replied.

the raven was silent a moment, contemplating the blond's answer. "i could sketch a tattoo design or something for you if you'd like?" he stated, sounding more like a question than anything else.

jimin's gasped a bit. "you'd do that?" he asked in awe.

"of course," yoongi nodded as they stepped into his building.

"okay, then i'll leave it to you," jimin stated fondly, giving him a big, close eyed smile that left yoongi's knees nearly buckling and his breath catching at the back of his throat.

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