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when they released hands, jimin reached for the black coffee resting on the table at his side. he stood and held the coffee out to him. "not sure how warm it still is.." jimin murmured sheepishly, trailing off.

"it's alright," yoongi took the paper cup from the younger's grasp. "shall we go?" the raven  motioned towards the door.

jimin nodded. "yeah, of course, lead the way."

yoongi walked towards the door, stopping at the front desk to grab some stuff before holding the door open for jimin who politely thanked him on the way out. the mid-autumn air nipped at their skin, and their breath came out in small puffs of warm air but neither seemed to care despite the blond's barely suitable attire which consisted of light colored, ripped, high waisted skinny jeans as well as white cropped hoodie that read hope across the chest in a shiny gold. he also wore a pair of high top, pastel green vans. the look was quite feminine but yoongi found that the look suited him.

"have you eaten yet?" yoongi asked walking on the outside of the sidewalk, to jimin's left, sipping his now lukewarm coffee with his left hand, his right hand stuffed into the pocket of his leather jacket.

"no, not yet," jimin replied, taking the opportunity to look over and fully admire his soulmate. he admired the ivory pale skin shown through the black, ripped, skinny jeans followed by a loose white T-shirt and a simple leather jacket as well as a pair of red vans. he also took notice of the multiple ear piercings the raven had which included three ear lobe, a daith and a helix. he vaguely wondered if he had any in his other ear. he let his free hand swing by his side as he looked away to sip his drink, suddenly embarrassed that he had totally been checking him out so openly.

yoongi only nodded thoughtfully, glancing down at the blond's empty hand then back up at his sharp, angel-like features. he then casually slipped hand from his jacket pocket, letting their hands brush occasionally as they walked.

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