twenty three

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he hadn't noticed the stares at first and when he did, he was confused as to why he didn't noticed before. they were so blatantly obvious. the look of disgust or confusion in people's expressions at a single glance in his direction. had those looks always been there? he wasn't sure.

jimin found himself hurrying down the sidewalk, wanting to get to the tattoo parlor as soon as possible. he knew that once he saw yoongi, he'd feel better and he'd feel safe from the cruel stares that were threatening tears to his eyes. the tears stung his eyes a moment before they spilled without warning, subtle, glistening trails down his cheeks.

as he pushed open the door of the tattoo parlor, he sniffled but it was masked by the bell chime above the door. namjoon, who was at the front desk, looked up and froze at the sight of the tears down the blond's cheeks.

before jimin could even speak, namjoon was motioning him along, down the hall to the room he had noticed last time he was there. the nameplate on the door read 'suga'. the purple haired boy didn't even bother knocking, he just pushed the door open for jimin to step inside.

yoongi looked up from the desk in the corner looking like he was about to cuss out whoever walked in for not knocking but immediately switched at the sight of his soulmate. he was out of his seat in seconds, namjoon already closing the door behind him.

"what's wrong sunshine? why're you crying?" yoongi spoke rapidly, overgrown with worry, the pet name having simply slipped out in his state of slight panic. his hands came up to cup the younger man's cheeks, brushing the tears away gently with the pad of his thumb.

jimin's heart warmed at the use of the pet name and he leaned forward to rest his head on the older's shoulder, curling into him. yoongi's arms were immediately wrapped around him, pulling him in closer. the younger man sniffled, grasping onto the front of yoongi's shirt as he whimpered, trying to will his tears away. yoongi stroked his back comfortingly, running his other hand through the blond's fluffy hair.

"i'm sorry..." the younger murmured into the skin of the other's neck, his face buried into the spot where his neck and shoulder meets.

"you've got no reason to be," yoongi murmured against his temple, gently pressing a kiss to the soft skin, holding there for a moment.

after jimin had seemed to calm down, yoongi pulled back, once again cupping the boys cheeks to look him in the eye but the blond tried to shy away. "don't look at me, i probably look like a mess," the boy tried to cover his slight puffy, tear stained face, some makeup smears around his eyes.

yoongi gently grasped his wrists. "look at me," he murmured, jimin paused a moment with his head down before slowly lifting to look yoongi in the eye. the raven moved his hands back to cup his cheeks. "you're beautiful," he murmured gently, swiping his thumb along tan skin to wipe away excess makeup. "even if you think you look like a mess, to me, you always look stunningly beautiful," he spoke gently before pressing a gentle kiss to the boys lips.

jimin felt like crying all over again, this time for a better reason. his heart was pounding his chest and he no longer felt disgusting from the stares earlier that day. he felt loved and beautiful under yoongi's gaze. "be my boyfriend," he blurted out before he had time to process the words coming out of his mouth but it was already too late to stop them.

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