twenty seven

168 10 0

the next time yoongi glanced at the clock, his phone screen lit up with the numbers 02:31 as well as a text from hoseok telling him he'd be staying the night at jungkook's. he sighed and closed his sketchbook, gathering his things as he went and turning off the music coming from his phone. he glanced around the room once more to make sure he had everything before turning off all the lights. he stepped out of the tattoo parlor and locked up before heading back to his apartment, stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket.

as yoongi arrived at the apartment, he shuffled into his room, dropping onto the bed without bothering to change his clothes. he sighed for the umpth time before pushing himself out of the bed to change into a pair of grey sweatpants, leaving himself topless, and brush his teeth. he shuffled back into bed after changing and curled into the sheets, basking in the lingering scent of jimin. he let his eyes drift shut but no matter how much time passed, he found himself still staring at the back of his eyelids, his mind lost in the deafening silence.

he had always hated the silence. he wouldn't say he was afraid of it but he'd avoid it at all costs hence why he had roommates. namjoon's snores always seemed to drown out the silence of the apartment during the night but now that the apartment was empty, he found the silence to be suffocating. he pushed the blankets back and reached over to the bedside table in search of his phone. when he found it, he opened his music app and shuffled his playlist, hoping to ease his nerves as well as block out the silence.

he found himself staring at the ceiling restlessly, his thumb tracing the lighter tattoo on the inside of his arm, below his elbow. his mind drifted a bit before he eventually decided he wasn't going to get any sleep that night and pushed himself up from the bed. he opened up the top drawer of his dresser and rummaged around in search of something. after a moment, he pulled out a silver lighter and a pack of cigarettes.

he stepped out of his room and made his way over to the balcony. he pushed open the glass door and stepped out onto the cold stone, a small shiver ran through his body but he payed it no mind. he leaned his elbows on the railing as he stuck a cancer stick between his lips, blocking the end of it from the wind as he brought the lit lighter to the end of the stick. he inhaled the fumes, letting it linger a bit before slowly exhaling. he couldn't remember the last time he smoked a cigarette, just that it was a long time ago.

"what the hell am i doing?" he chuckled lowly to himself.

he wasn't sure how long he was out there but he had already finished his cigarette and the sun was beginning to rise.

a few minutes later, he heard the jingling of keys followed by the opening and closing of the front door. "hyung?" hoseok's voice echoed throughout the apartment, just barley reaching yoongi's ears over the sound of his music.

"over here," he called over his shoulder, but remained in the same spot despite the slight shivering of his body due to the cold of autumn and his lack of clothes.

when the younger appears in the doorway, it's with a frown on his features. "it's freezing, what are you doing out here?" hoseok begins worriedly as he approaches the older.

"thinking," yoongi answers simply.

hoseok's eyes narrow, noting that the older is shivering and is practically covered in goosebumps. "how long have you been out here?" he asks slowly.

the raven gives a half haired shrug, a dead give away that he'd been out there for too long. the younger wordless tugs yoongi back into the apartment, commenting on how cold his skin is as closes the glass door behind them.

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