thirty two

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they ultimately decided upon going back to jimin's seeing as his has the smaller bed meaning more cuddling.

the two walked hand-in-hand, silence overtaking them. it wasn't awkward, they simply had nothing to say, the silence was enough to speak their words. yoongi found that simply being next to the younger was calming in itself. jimin noticed the eyes of bystanders lingering on his soulmate, a prickling sense of pride growing in his chest knowing that the gorgeous man beside him was his. as they stepped through the door, they kicked off their shoes and yoongi found himself leaning into jimin, craving the physical contact, though he'd never admit to it.

jimin hums contently at the contact and slips his arms around his waist to pull him in for a quick kiss. they walk, more like stumble, towards jimin's bedroom, refusing to let go of one another. they collapse onto the bed, not bothering to change into pajamas just yet. the blond rubs circles into the older man's hip, just under his shirt as he admires his soulmate in the moonlight streaking through the window. how he ended up with someone so gorgeous, he didn't know.

"kiss me," yoongi whispered so softly that the blond had almost missed it. he raised his head, meeting the raven's gaze before bringing their lips together in a slow kiss, just feeling one another's presence. the blond feels a cool hand caress the back of his neck, effectively pulling him closer and enfolding their bodies together. jimin ran his hand down the older's hip, leaving it once it get to his thigh where he slots his fingers into the holes of the fishnets the raven wore.

after a moment, the two pull back, gasping breathes echo around the room but both of them knew it was too early to go any further than this so they didn't push it.

"just relax love, i'll get us ready for bed," jimin whispered gently once he's caught his breath. he plants a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek before pulling himself from his embrace to get them ready for bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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