twenty two

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"chimchim, are you okay?" it was hoseok that spoke this time, seeming to have witnessed the whole thing. taehyung simply got there before he had the chance to react.

jimin looked down, trying to fight back the tears. he knew he'd get negative comments about the way he dresses but that doesn't mean he'd get used to it. "i'll be alright," the blond took a deep breath, trying to ease the tears away. "i knew what i signed myself up for when i started dressing this way."

taehyung took a step forward and rubbed his best friend's back. "how about you head home? or over to see yoongi?" the younger of the three suggested.

"i agree, i can take over your class with jungkook if you'd like," hoseok assured, worry shining in his eyes.

"are you sure it's not too much trouble? it was just one negative comment, not the end of the world," jimin murmured, nibbling his bottom lip anxiously. he didn't want to worry them too much.

"it's not any trouble at all," he insisted. "besides, i know you'd much rather be with yoongi," hoseok teased in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit.

it seemed to have worked cause jimin smiled ever so slightly. "you're right, i would," he agreed.

"good then, i'll take over your class, mine just finished," the eldest told him before turning to taehyung to say something but cut short, his breath audibly catching. Taehyung seemed to be in the same situation, seemingly caught in a trance by the twenty-two year old dancer.

"holy shit," taehyung finally murmured. "please tell me i'm not the only one that feels that?" the younger spoke, sounding slightly dazed.

"you have to meet jungkook!" hoseok suddenly exclaimed, slipping his hand into taehyung's to pull him along to the studio. jimin followed after them, he had left his phone in the studio, plus he wanted to witness taehyung and jungkook meet since taehyung appeared to be their missing soulmate.

as they stepped into the room, jungkook spotted taehyung and hoseok and visibly froze, eyes locked on his two soulmates making their way over to him. taehyung seemed to be in the same situation, unable to take his eyes of either of them, his eyes flitting between the two rapidly.

jimin smiled cheekily at the three boys. the blond wasn't sure what else happened, having seen those three made him impatient to see his own soulmate. he grabbed his phone and mini purse before hurrying out of the studio. the walk to yoongi's tattoo parlor wasn't too far, maybe a twenty minute walk so he didn't mind it. he checked his phone, brows furrowing when he noticed two missed calls from yoongi that happened only seconds before he got his phone. he clicked the call, wanting to see why yoongi had called.

he picked up within less than two rings. "hello? jimin? are you alright?" the tone of the other's voice held unmistakable worry.

"yeah.. i'm fine, why? is something wrong?" jimin asked, confused and worried as to why yoongi seemed so concerned.

"um, my soul mark changed to something about you saying someone made a negative comment about you," the older boy explained softly through the phone, this time sounding slight embarrassed, though jimin didn't understand why.

"oh," jimin murmured. "yeah, some girl made a rude comment about the way i dress," the blond explained. "my friend and hobi stepped in before anything could get too extreme," he added. "hobi gave me the rest of the day off so i planned on stopping by to see you, hoping that'll brighten up my day a bit more."

"of course, i'll let namjoon know to let you into my studio when you get here," yoongi assured. "i'll see you soon, bye."

"bye," jimin hummed and ended the call, making his way to the tattoo parlor.

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