twenty six

170 10 0

yoongi sat at his desk, in front of him resting his sketchbook. it was getting late but he couldn't find it in himself to move until he was satisfied with this design. it had to be perfect, he wouldn't give his soulmate anything less than.

after a moment of doodling in the hopes of finding inspiration, there was a knock before the door was cracked open and namjoon peaked in. "i'm heading out, you mind locking up?" He asked from the doorway.

"no, i'll probably stay awhile longer, want to get some inspiration for this design first," yoongi replied with a sigh, motioning to his sketch pad with his pencil, other hand held his chin, elbow resting on the desk.

namjoon shuffled over to peer at the doodles. "who's it for?" he asked curiously.

"jimin," he answered easily, tapping at the paper with his pencil. "said he wants something like the flowers on my back," he explained.

namjoon nodded. "why not do a heart?" he suggested.

"a heart?" yoongi questioned. the purple hair man reached out, holding his hand open wordlessly. the raven caught on and handed him the pencil, turning the sketch pad towards the younger. a few doodles later, namjoon had sketched out a few simple hearts that looked like a single looped line that flowed in and out of the design. each heart was different from the next but the raven definitely liked the look. it'd need some tweaking to be perfect but he liked the look nonetheless.

"good?" namjoon asked, yoongi only nodded. "alright, i'm leaving then. don't forget to lock up, don't stay to late either, i'm staying the night at seokjin's so it'll only be you and hobi at home unless he goes to jungkook's," the younger remained but yoongi only scuffed.

"bye namjoon," he murmured, already immersed in his sketching.

"bye hyung," with that, namjoon closed the door to yoongi's office.

the raven stretched a bit, taking a glance at his inked wrist before getting back to work with a slight smile.

"speaking of soulmates, how's jungkook and hobi?"

the raven assumed jimin was speaking with taehyung since his soulmate did say he'd be staying the night with him. he pushed the thought aside and continued on with his sketches.

"i was literally crying," jimin spoke, smile in his tone as he handed his phone over to taehyung, the picture of his soulmark from earlier that morning lit up the screen.

"wait, you said that he told you this when you went to visit him yesterday?" taehyung asked, admiring the photo.

"yeah, i also asked him to be my boyfriend in the heat of the moment. i just kind of blurted it out," the blond looked down sheepishly.

"and?" taehyung looked up, a small boxy grin on his features that only grew with jimin's next reply.

"he said yes," jimin smiled dreamily because really, yoongi was a dream come true in his eyes.

taehyung sniffled. "i'm so proud, my baby is growing up," he wiped a fake tear away.

"oh hush, i'm technically older," jimin playfully shoved the younger man. "speaking of soulmates, how's jungkook and hobi?" the blond asked, a small smirk growing.

taehyung's face brightened at the mention of his two soulmates. "they're both sweethearts, i think we complement each other," he spoke, a shy grin on his lips.

jimin smiled, happy that they both met their other halves, or in taehyung's case, other thirds.

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