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the two walked peacefully down the street, letting yoongi lead the way, making small talk as they went. eventually though, jimin got fed up with the occasional hand brushing and hesitantly reached over to grasp the other's hand, slowly lacing their fingers when he noticed yoongi not pulling away. he glanced up at the raven to find the slightest tint of pink along his cheeks which brought a small smile to the blond's lips. jimin had by now discarded his caramel latte in a garbage can they had passed but yoongi seemed to be taking his time with his.

the two spoke of common things, things such as likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, stuff of that sort. it wasn't an awkward conversation like one might think, it was actually a rather comfortable one. it just felt normal to them, like they had known each other their entire lives.

yoongi then stopped and let go of jimin's hand to open a door for him. the blond smiled and stepped in, politely thanking him. They waited to be seated, still making occasional small talk until the waitress came to seat them. the raven caught the girl's eyes shamelessly checking out his soulmate and casually slipped an arm around his waist, causing a blush to spread across the blond's cheeks. the waitress immediately looked away, embarrassed that she had been caught and led them to their table.

yoongi, being the gentleman he was, pulled the chair out for jimin before removing his jacket and taking his seat opposite the blond. they, once again, made small talk while flipping through the menu, making occasional comments on the food selection as well.

they ordered and continued their conversations. jimin asked about yoongi's tattoos, eager to see them. he had always thought tattoos were fascinating and beautiful, though he had none of his own, so he wasn't surprised his soulmate was a tattoo artist. sadly, yoongi couldn't show jimin all of his tattoos due to them being under his clothes and he couldn't exactly strip in the middle of the restaurant just to show him. so, they ultimately decided yoongi would just have to show him another time.

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