thirty one

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the ride to work was short and he managed to arrive a little early for his scheduled appointment which meant he had a few minutes to relax.

he stepped into the shop, the bell above him chiming upon his entering. "finally! it only took you for-" namjoon's scolding came to a hard stop at the sight of the older man. never would he have thought he'd live to see yoongi in feminine attire.

"what?" yoongi asked, unimpressed with the other man's flabbergasted expression.

"nothing, just surprised," the purple haired man stuttered out, taking in the raven's appearance. he had to admit that yoongi did look good but no one could top seokjin's looks in his book.

"great, can i go to my studio now?" yoongi asked, clearly unimpressed as he motioned down the hall.

namjoon nodded, quickly stepping to the side to let yoongi passed him. the raven nodded thankfully in response before shuffling towards his studio.

he stepped inside, pulling out the sketches for his appointment and looking over them, wanting to make sure he gets every detail perfect before starting.

after finishing all three of his appointments, he found himself slouching in his chair, trying desperately to work out the tension between his muscles and the kinks in his neck. he eventually gave up, opting for just closing his eyes, laying his head back on the chair and relaxing, letting the soft rap music filtering into the room.

he remained in that position, his thoughts drifting aimlessly. he was suddenly pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a gasp. he hadn't even heard the door open.

"holy shit..." the words were stretched out in pure astonishment and adoration. he automatically linked the voice to his beloved soulmate. without even realizing it, a small smile presented itself on his face. he heard the other man shuffle over and climb into his lap, straddling the older man's thighs. the next moment, lips are attacking his neck and warm puffs of breath linger across his milky skin.

"how was work?" yoongi breathed, grasping at the younger man's hips while he continued his administrations.

"good," jimin hummed against his skin, placing open mouthed kisses onto the column of flesh. "was anxious to see you in my clothes and holy shit you look hot in fishnets..." the blond murmured slightly muffled across the flesh of yoongi's neck as he nibbled on it, careful not to leave marks.

yoongi's breath caught in his throat as the younger reached the juncture of his neck and shoulder, the shirt pulled slightly out of the way to reach. the action didn't go unnoticed by jimin. "you think?" he breathed, his grip on the younger's hips tightening.

the younger nodded. "love seeing you in my clothes," he murmured, bitting and sucking at the spot to leave a dark hickey in it's wake.

yoongi let out a hum of approval as jimin pulled back and place a swift kiss to his lips to which yoongi chased, recapturing their lips. after a moment, yoongi pulled back, finally opening his eyes to take in the younger's appearance.

"how was work?" jimin whispered, not wanting to break the calming atmosphere of the room.

"stressful but tolerable. had a few appointments but i'm all done for today," he replied, their lips brushing as he spoke before leaning forward to press another gentle kiss to his lips.

"want to head to my place or your place?" jimin hummed in response.

"you're choice sunshine," yoongi replied easily. "i'll go wherever you want."

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