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the next morning, jimin couldn't help the excitement growing in his chest. he easily pulled himself up and out of bed to the bathroom. he showered quick brushed his teeth before heading to his bedroom in search of an outfit.

after an unnecessarily long amount of time, he found himself in a pastel pink shortsleeved shirt, the cuffs of the shirt being white with a grey skinned, black eyed, mini alien on the left peck. the shirt was tucked into a pair of acid washed, thoroughly ripped skinny jeans followed by a pair of black and white high-top vans as well as a black cardigan so he wouldn't get cold in the autumn air.

he found himself back in the bathroom not long after in order to curl his hair and put in a pair of dangly earrings before he was out the door, dance bag in hand.

he stopped at seokjin's café on his way, getting a drink for himself, hoseok and jungkook before heading to the studio. upon arriving, he went to hoseok's studio where he knew the two would be teaching a class. sure enough, he stepped in and his two friends stood at the front of the room, facing the class back to the mirrors, inspecting the student's movements. they briefly greeted and thanked him, taking their drinks before giving their attention back to the class. jimin joined them soon after setting his bag down and warming up.

the blond took a seat against the mirrors in the front of the room as the class filed out leaving only the three friends.

"jiminie~" the grin in hoseok's tone couldn't be missed.

jimin hummed in response, sipping his iced coffee.

"why are you all dressed up?" He teased, standing in front of jimin, looking down at him, jungkook by his side like usual.

jimin stares at the two, unamused and still slightly irritated that the two kept yoongi's identity from him. "none of your business," he murmured.

hoseok gasped. "how rude!" he exclaimed dramatically, jungkook rolling his eyes at his boyfriend's exaggerating. jungkook and hoseok were soulmates, however, both of them had another soulmate. the two boys had two soulmate marks, one of their marks matched for their other, missing soulmate while the other mark was different for each other.

"you have a date?" jungkook asked, taking a seat on the floor next to him, his coffee in hand.

"you could say that," jimin shrugged.

"what?" hoseok stared in confusion. last he heard, jimin was still bugging him for info on his soulmate.

before anyone could say anything more, jimin's phone rung. a huge smile immediately broke out onto jimin's face as he answered the call, bringing it to his ear. hoseok and jungkook shared looks of confusion.

"you're here already?" jimin appeared a bit surprised. "i'm in studio three... okay, see you in a few," the blond pulled the phone from his ear and stuffed it into his pocket as he stood.

"who was that?" hoseok asked, motioning to the other's phone.

"you'll see in a moment," jimin shrugged, sipping his iced coffee.

the other two shared looks of confusion as jimin strolled to the stereo to play some music while they waited for said person to arrive.

half way through a song, the three had been freestyle dancing by now, there was a knock on the door. jimin's smile was back and shining as he called over the music for whoever it was to come in. said person opened the door and peaked in, revealing himself to the other two, clueless occupants.

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