CHAPTER 1: Huge Surprise

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Seoul, July 2020

I always love a surprise.

Like the infamous quote said: let life surprise you. And that kind of my life-quote since I was a little. Even though I'm kind of a woman who likes to plan everything on my future, but in daily necessaries, I always let everything flows just like as it is. The surprises are a sweet reminder for me, the control-freak one, that you couldn't control everything in your life.

But lately, I just got such a really huuuuge one and that was making me suffocated.

For the first time in my job life, I would be the one who present the new project of our division in the meeting. There would be my CEO too-Mr. Yang aka the big boss of YG Entertainment. He is such a perfectionist and I don't want to mess it up. I stayed up all night these past days when prepared this presentation-but I managed to sleep enough last night so there was no black circle on my eyes.

I really don't want to looked tired and desperate and especially ugly. Not today.

Because there would be iKON members too in the meeting. All of them.

My heart went crazy again every time I remember that little fact. I tried to calm down my self again and again. Ugh. Why did I have to give this idea?

Suddenly my mind was experiencing the flashback again.


Last week...

I was in the meeting of Media Marketing Division. In YG Entertainment, there are only few employees who take care of each divisions. In my department for example-there are only 5 people: me, Seokhwa-ssi, Haeri-ssi, Jiyoung Oppa, and the manager: Yena Eonni. We have a lot of things to do and almost no break time because there will be always a new challenging task everyday.

One of the things that makes our job seems more crazier is Mr. Yang always forcing us to give him new ideas every month.

He said, "When it comes to digital music, YG Entertainment has been the leader on this industry. And your division is the key on our success. I expected new ideas and projects to increase the engagement in each of our artist's channel."

It gave us a hella lot of pressure, of course.

This year especially was the craziest year that our division had ever been have. There had been a lot of comeback, debut, survival show, etc that make us suffocated. We had to prepared new project of each special events in order to increase online engagement, like Mr. Yang's expectation. So yeah, we already had so much on our plate, literally.

"Okay, next we will discuss about iKON's comeback on July." said Yena Eonni.

When I heard 'iKON', I instantly became more awake.

I've been in love with the boygroup for more than 3 years. And that is my ultimate reason why did I pursue my career in YG Entertainment. I wanted to be 'closer' with them. I was thinking if I happened to be their manager maybe it would be more fantastic-but being a marketeer suit me more. And I've satisfied enough to work under the same company.

"Mr. Yang expected us to have a new projects that would be increasing the hype of their long awaited comeback. Fans really longing for them and expecting more because it has been one year after their latest comeback. So, any ideas?" she asked us with full of expectation.

Silence. Everyone seem tired to speak about their ideas. We already gave too much new ideas for previous special events and worn out already. But I was trying my best to think some ideas. This is for iKON, though. I have to give my best for them because in fact I've been longing for their comeback too.

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