CHAPTER 4: Airplane

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One month passed away so fast.

Nah, I wish I could said that but in fact— last month was like hell. I couldn't sleep because 24 hours wasn't enough for me to do all of my works, and I would be doomed if I dare to use the 4-5 hours of my day to sleep.

But it made me looked worse than zombies— damn, I would be grateful if I looked just like zombies. Imagine a mannequin with a lot of white blue and green colour painted on the under of its eyes. I looked just like that— as pale as hell like the death mannequin on every clothing store in the world.

"Irina, I think you need sleep." said Yena Eonni to me when I was typing the brief script for each of members' Live.

Lucky me, I've done almost all of the main preparations. Tomorrow, I would drop 'the bomb' on Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter to IKONIC. The thought of fans' reactions has been made me more alive than I did in these past weeks. I was very satisfied every time I could make YG's fans being intrigued about the promotion that I made.

I shook my head to her and gave her a little smile.

"It's okay, Eonni. I have to finished this script before tonight—tomorrow we will drop the promotion poster and I want everything would be done before that. I don't want to feel burden on tomorrow, which is the first day of MV making as well, because I just want to enjoy the events." I said stubbornly.

Yena Eonni let a heavy sigh. "You and your perfectionist side." She said. "But I was serious—tomorrow we would take the earliest flight, which is at 6 AM, and I don't want you to collapse in the airport because you had no enough sleep. Do you copy, Irina?"

I sighed. "Okey-dokey, Boss. After finished this script, I will pack everything and go home." I said after glanced away to digital clock on my PC screen. It was 6.21 PM. Normally I would went home after 11 PM, but I guess Yena Eonni was right. I need sleep, and of course, packing for tomorrow.

The MV making will be held for seven days— it was longer than usual, I know, but YG said there would be another events for IKON in there. Luckily 'the another events' wasn't our responsibility. But it remains mysterious for me: what would we do in Jeju Island for seven days? I'm not complaining, of course— one week with IKON, hello?! I started to feel like I'm the luckiest IKONIC in the world— but I was just curious.

"That's good. If I still see you at 7 PM, I would plug the electricity cable on your PC off." Said Yena Eonni with threatening tone. I nodded at her quickly. But I couldn't hold my comment:

"I could just continue my work on my laptop, though..." I said when Yena Eonni walked away. Yena Eonni stopped and showed me a laptop. I mean, my laptop.

"You mean this?" asked Yena Eonni with her mischievous smile. I dropped my jaw.

"Eonni! Give my laptop back!" I shouted at her, but didn't mind for moving my ass from my seat and stopped my moving fingers on the keyboard.

"I will— when you'll about to go home. Come to my room before you go home if you want to take this, alright?" she said. And she just walked away and I just stared at her with disbelief.

She was always being extra when it comes to forced her staff to go home. And I've been always the main victim of her efforts since the day one because of my workaholic side. It wasn't like that I'm willing to to stayed up all night on office— but I clearly wasn't the type of person who could work at home. I just couldn't. Home is a place for resting and sleeping peacefully, not for banging on your laptop to do the damn work.

After finished last words for Chanwoo's script on Live, I did proofread again and made sure there was no typos and false content. It only needs 10 minutes to did that— and then I packed everything on my desk to my bag. I quickly rushed to Yena Eonni's room to take my laptop. Turns out there was Jiyoung Oppa.

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