CHAPTER 19: Reconcile

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Irina' POV

It's been more than 3 years since the last time I went to the beach.

And I'm grateful for the first time ever since, I landed on Hyeopjae Beach. I swear this beach really has an amazing scenery and one of the most picturesque beach that I ever went to. It has a perfect baby blue sea and WHITE SAND! Gosh, Jeju Island is really gifted with its nature.

Even though it was in the middle of daylight and the sun light was striking my eyes as hell, I still enjoyed the beach happily. I running around on the beach and opened my arms widely as if I was flying. Probably I looked like a lost kid who never see a beach in her life, but who cares though.

Well, no one cares except that sassy bitch June.

"YO CRAZY WOMAN YOU'RE BEING SO TACKY YOU KNOW!" June screamed aloud from a spot where was not too far away from me. Chanwoo, who stood besides him, hit June's head but he was laughing anyway.

I blushed and stopped my self from running around. Thanks to June, many crew around who didn't care about me before started to look at me and chuckled amusedly.

"AND YOU'RE BEING SO LOUD, YOU'RE WALKING VOICE POLLUTION DISASTER!" I shouted to June, who was being flustered. Almost all of the crew who heard my mocking to June was laughing. Ha, score on me, June! I thought proudly.

Seriously, after what happened last night, the maknae been more annoying than ever. But I'm being grateful because I could get along well with the members though. I mean, it's every dream of fan girl, isn't it? To be close with their idol. I must be grateful indeed, although I have to bear with June's annoying act toward me.

"Irina-ssi, should I start to record Chanwoo-ssi?" asked Hyonseok, the cameramen. I nodded.

"Yes, Hyonseok-ssi, please. Oh, and because today's shoot was a group turns, you can record not only Chanwoo-but the rest of the members too. I think it would be a great footage." I said.

Hyonseok nodded. "Okay, I agreed." he said and then walked away to start recording.

I gave a code to Chanwoo and he nodded. Then he was opening the Live cheerfully with June. Actually, June was done with the Live but he promised to iKONIC if he would be appear in Chanwoo's Live too. So he was tailing Chanwoo now. I thought they were kind of awkward, but turns out they're pretty close in a real life. After all, they're the maknae in the group so I guess they must get along easily.

I was monitoring the recording and the Live when I suddenly spotted a black shadow of angel below me. I mean, from what I could see was he/she has a literally huge wing in the back. I gasped and turned to behind me so I could see the 'angel' clearly.

Turns out it was Jinhwan!

There was a fake feathery white wing attached to his back. But the best part was he just wore a sleeveless white shirt that's very tight to his body and a short jeans. The shirt was useless though, because Jinhwan looked like he was topless with his shirt really displays his well-built body perfectly.

"Woah, Jinhwan-ssi! You look so cool!" I praised him.

He smirked. "Thank you, Irina. Glad you like it." he said.

"But why are you doing cosplay alone? Is it today a group's photoshoot?" I asked.

He shrugged off. "There will be my solo part too, and mine was first. After that, it would be group's photoshoot." he explained.

"Why is it only you? I mean, in previous shooting I haven't been seen any members did cosplay like this." I asked again curiously.

"Well, I have a special charm indeed, so the producer made a concept like this to me." He boasted his self. I laughed and Jinhwan joined me laughing. Then he suddenly said, "You looked much happier than this morning."

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