CHAPTER 8: Sunrise Talk

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Donghyuk and Bobby's slap comedy was opening the Live gleefully.

I gave two thumbs up to them while they were joking continuously for IKONIC. It was an amazing idea to let Bobby joined Donghyuk. I feel relieved the opening was running smoothly.

While Donghyuk and Bobby were teasing IKONIC with singing some random song-saying it was their comeback's song, for God sake they were too mean— I decided to step aside for a while because I want to see the sunrise and the sea.

I walked away and found a good spot for enjoying the scenery quietly. It wasn't far away from the spot where Donghyuk and Bobby doing the Live, so I could still monitoring them while I was seeing the sunrise. And the best thing is there was no people in there!

I walked fast to that good spot because I couldn't hold my excitement-and that was stupid. I was being too carried away then I didn't realize my legs slipped on the stone below me.

Oh shit why did you have to be so fucking clumsy Irina oh my you will fell AAARGHHH-

Oh. Why did I not fall?

Turns out, someone who was behind me held my waist to prevent me from falling. I looked up to see who's my saviour for this time-and I just want to scream as if I had fallen. Yeah, I didn't fall, but this time surely my heart did.


Oh my God. I'm glad I hadn't have breakfast this morning so my belly.

"Irina-ssi, your clumsiness is really something else. Even worse than me." B.I whined.

I quickly got my self off from him and bowed repeatedly. "I'm sorry and thank you again for helping me." I said. Ugh. I really have no pride at all in front of him. He already caught me from being so clumsy twice. And I have a weird feeling that this wouldn't be the last time.

"By the way, why are you here? Didn't you have a shoot there?" I asked and pointed at spot where B.I was standing the last time I saw him.

"My turn already finished, and I was walking nearby here when I saw you almost tripped on that stone. Glad I made it in time." He said. I blushed because of his kindness.

"You don't have to do that." I said shyly.

"And letting you fall and roll into ravine? Nah." He shook his head. "Besides, I was just like you— I want to find a good spot for hunting a photo of sunrise." He showed me his infamous analogue camera.

Suddenly, he took a candid photo of me and I wasn't ready at all. Moreover, I'm sure my face must be looked so stupid on that photo.

"Hanbin-ssi! Why didn't you tell me if you want to take a picture of me?!" I said sulkily.

Hanbin laughed and grinned at me. "Don't worry, it was a good one. And if you don't mind, please stepped aside a little bit." He nudged me gently.

Then he was busy taking a photo of sunrise. I felt envy to him because he could keep those sunrise moments with a photo. Again, I wish I had brung my SLR camera. Too bad I didn't have a camera handphone as well because it was used by Donghyuk and Bobby.

"Do you want me to take a silhouette photo of you with the sunrise?" I offered him.

B.I finally stopped his activity from taking a photo and looked at me. "Really? If you wouldn't mind, Irina-ssi." He said and gave me his camera.

"Wait, can you explain to me how to use this before?" I asked him.

"It's simple, though. Here, let me show you..." Then suddenly he was so close to me.

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