CHAPTER 16: Adore You

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Chanwoo was knocking at Bobby's room door so loudly.

"Yaaah, Hyung! Open the door quickly, we have a special guest!" he shouted.

I could heard the sound of footstep from behind the door. Then, the door was opening abruptly and showing Bobby, who looked a little bit irritated. He frowned at Chanwoo.

"You're so loud! And what is this special guest? If it's only Jaeho—" he stopped and his gaze fixed at me. His eyes opened widely. "Irina-yah! What a late night surprise!" he shouted enthusiastically.

June rolled his eyes. "Wow. That's quite a different reaction though before you knew Irina was here." he said sarcastically. Bobby ignored him and opened the door more widely.

"Ladies first, please." said Bobby in fluent English. I chuckled and stepped my foot at his room. 

Wow, turns out Bobby got a Presidential Suite room and it's including the spacious and luxurious living room. I looked around with amazement feeling.

"It's really nice room, isn't it, Noona?" said Chanwoo besides me. "The hotel only has 6 of available Dream Suites room for the member, so they provide 1 Presidential Suites room for the left one member instead. We did kawi-bawi-bo (rock-paper-scissor) and that bastard Hyung won, so he got this room."

"Language, young kid!" shouted Bobby to Chanwoo while closing his room. He approached me and looked at me curiously. "So, what are you doing here, Irina-yah?" he asked.

"I'm here to do briefing with the maknae for tomorrow's Live, Bobby-ssi. They kind of invited me to your room, so yeah." I answered shyly.

"You have to hear her growling stomach when we said we have snacks, Hyung." said June while throwing his self comfortably in the sofa. Then he was mimicking a sound of my growling stomach accurately. I don't even know how he did that! I blushed and Bobby laughed so hard.

"You haven't eat anything, Irina-yah?" he asked.

I shook my head and grinned. "I kinda get so busy before and forgot the time. So yeah, I have to be grateful you guys invited me to your pajamas party to eat snack." I joked. "But firstly, may I give a briefing to you guys? So you can start the party earlier." I said to June and Chanwoo, who were already chilling at the sofa.

"Bring it on." said June, meanwhile Chanwoo smiled and nodded. I sat at the sofa in front of theirs and gave them the script that I made.

"So, we have 2 places to be visited before: Mônsant Cafe and Hyeopjae Beach. Junhoe-ssi will be taking a Live in the cafe, meanwhile Chanwoo-sii in the beach. As I already mentioned in the meeting, you only have 1 hour and don't leak any confidential information. I will give you the handphone to do the Live for tomorrow." I explained. "You can read the script now and ask me anything if there's something unclear."

Chanwoo read it thoroughly, meanwhile June only did the screening. He suddenly raised his hand. "We don't have to literally follow the script, do we? We could improvise at d-day?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, but if you want to change the script, better inform it to me now so tomorrow I could do the monitoring better." I said.

"I didn't have one now, but tomorrow I must have. But I won't spill the unnecessary thing tomorrow, how dare I?" he rolled his eyes. Aigoo, this sassy kid. "So, we're done with the briefing, right? Let's start eating!"

I face palmed my self.

"Yah, June! Act more seriously." Chanwoo half-whispered to June.

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