CHAPTER 24: Bloom Pt. 1

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Irina's POV

The MV shooting of today somehow felt like it ended so quickly.

It took a long time though, maybe for 5-6 hours since this morning. But I didn't really pay attention to my surrounding and seems my body moved by its own- followed the routine I've been through everyday for these past days.

I remember faintly when I gave the handphone to Yunhyeong, monitored the cameramen and the Live, and watching iKON's shot and photoshoot. And all of that passed just like that. Nothing memorable.

Maybe it's because you've been daydreaming all day, stupid.

I cursed on my self because that thought crossed my mind and made me remember how I had been thinking about what happened last night. What the fuck, Irina. 

"Would you chose the guy over your boyfriend?"

Hanbin's words was echoing on my mind again. He was being unfair to ask me that question, even after I gave him a message clearly that I wouldn't leaving my boyfriend and break up with him. Yet, he still asked me that question and been making me thought about how good it would be if the 'hypothetically' things...

could be a real thing.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I shouted to my self angrily and hit the steering wheel in front of me. 

Oops, thankfully the driver was gone and didn't see me. He was assigned to other car, so this car had been mine alone since this morning. Lucky for me, because my mind was very chaotic and all I needed now was being alone. But it caused me to overthinking though.

I was about stirring the car to the hotel, but quickly reconsidered it again. If I were alone in my room, my mind would be wandering to negative thought and causing it more chaotic.

If Jiyoung Oppa and Yena Eonni were here, they must asked me to go to somewhere in Jeju Island. But seems they weren't here, guess I had to go by my self. I Googled top destination in Jeju Island nearby our MV shooting for today: Jeongbang Waterfall.

I found some places that was catching my attention. But my last choice fell to Camellia Hill. Its photo on the internet showed me a lot of hydrangea flower that looked really pretty. I guess the scenery would make me distracted and not thinking any negative thoughts.

I turned the Maps on, then I step on the gas and took this car to Camellia Hill.


Camellia Hill was barely empty today.

After I gave it a thought, the previous locations of MV shooting were kind of empty as well. Well, maybe because it wasn't holiday season so there weren't much tourist in Jeju Island. Good thing, though. I could explore the place more comfortably, because there wouldn't be a lot of people who took a photo in every corner which could be annoying.

After I parked my car in the parking area, I straight forward walked to the ticket counter. There were two counter, and one of them was already occupied by a guy. Hmm, turns out it wasn't really empty though. I approached the other counter and the employee greeted me politely.

"Welcome to Camellia Hill. How many ticket do you want to buy, Miss?" she asked me.

"One ticket, please." I answered.

"There would be 8000 Won, Miss." she told me.

I was about taking my money in my wallet when I saw the guy, who was occupying the next counter, approached me from the corner of my eye. He suddenly gave the 10.000 Won money to the employee. I frowned confusedly. I looked at the guy from bottom up- he was wearing black sneakers that looked so fancy, short jeans, white t-shirt paired with oversized jeans jacket, and...

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