CHAPTER 11: Resemble

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After I sealed the friendship relationship between me and Irina, we talked about our personal background.

Frankly, more like we talked about her personal background. This girl must be a hardcore iKONIC because I swear she already knew all of my personal background that could be found on the internet. She must absorbed all of those unnecessary information about me and the other iKON's members on her long-term memory.

"So, you don't have a younger sister or brother?" I asked to confirm.

She nodded. "Yeah, I only have an older sister. I always want to have a younger siblings though. I love kids, but because I couldn't have one so I just channelling my love for them into owning a pet." she sighed.

I chuckled. "Kids and pet are way too different, you pabo."

She shot me a look. "I know, but the closest form that I could use was a pet."

"What kind of pet?" I asked.

"Cats. I'm sorry, I knew you're a dog person."

I rolled my eyes. "Not really. I love all of animal kind. Heck, I even bonded with a little goat in some variety show." I showed off. Irina laughed. "Anyway, if you really love a kids, I will introduce Hanbyul to you someday. You must love her."

She stared at me with her widely opened eyes. "REALLY? Aigoo, I'm really a big fans of her. Probably for now I love her better than you." she mused.

"I'm annoyed right now, but only because you're a big fan of my sister, I would let it go."

"Don't be jealous." she teased.

I was just replying to her when I heard a ringtone from Irina's phone. She quickly received it. "Hello, Eonni.... Uhh I'm in rooftop..... Yeah, I know, I will come down now.... Ne, see you." she ended the call and turned to me. "I'm sorry, Hanbin-ah. I must go now."

"It's okay. We could continue our little conversation later." I said and gave her a little smile. For an unknown reason, Irina was blushing. I raised my eyebrow. "We?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing! Umm, I guess I should head back now. It was really nice to talk to you, Hanbin." she said and stood up from our lounge chair.

"Yeah, annyeong, Irina-yah." I waved at her. She gave me a nervous smile and immediately headed to the lift. I was staring at her until she was gone when I received a phone call.

"Yonseo?" I received the call without checking the caller identity.

"Hyung, where are you?" turns out it's Chanwoo-yah. "We already arrived at hotel and want to have a dinner at restaurant. You should join us."


"So, Hyung, where have you been?" Chanwoo-yah asked me. "I knocked on your door several times and searched you on the restaurant, but you weren't everywhere." he whined as soon as I met him at the hotel's lobby.

I embraced his shoulder as we headed to the restaurant. "Mianhae, Chanwoo-yah. I was in the hotel's rooftop."

"Really? What were you doing up there?" he asked curiously.

Got a pep talk with the clumsiest girl I ever met, also made a friend with her whom I found to be a little bit cuter than I thought before. Of couse I didn't say it, because this evil maknae would be teasing me forever.

"Just hanging out because I bored staying at my room." I answered. "Anyway, how's the Teddy Bear Museum?" I asked to switch the topic. Fortunately, Chanwoo-yah accepted the bait and told me their experiences on that weird museum. I'm sorry to say that but I couldn't just accept it that Teddy Bear received a museum only for him.

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