CHAPTER 13: Stolen

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Fortunately, the shooting for today was not as early as yesterday.

At least I could get up at 7 AM, the usual time I wake up everyday. The shooting would take place on Jeolmul Natural Forest Park today. Specifically, it would be at Jeolmul Oreum Volcanic Cone that only could be reached through the hiking trails for 2 hours or more. The Producer hadn't have told us about those details, but I Googled it last night when we were informed about the location.

Nice, isn't it? The Producer must be enjoying it so much to torture us. Gosh.

"What is Jeolmul Oreum Volcanic Cone like? Do we have to hike?!" asked Jiyoung Oppa in the front seat of the car.

"I don't know, the producer didn't spill much information about it." Yena Eonni answered nonchalantly. I remained silent and didn't want to answer thus question because I knew Jiyoung Oppa would be complaining so much from the beginning, and it was the last thing I wanted.

"Irina, do you know— aish, she's already sleep!" Jiyoung Oppa shouted. As soon as he started to ask me, I quickly closed my eyes and tilted my head as if I was sleeping soundly.

"Leave her alone, she must be tired from yesterday's activities." Yena Eonni defended me. Thank you so much, Eonni. I thanked her on my mind. And lucky me, Jiyoung Oppa didn't try to wake me up and remained silent.

With the comfortably silence was filling the car, my acting of sleeping began to become real.


"..Na. Irina, wake up! We arrived."

The familiar voice jolted me from the sleeping and I quickly opened my eyes. Yena Eonni was staring at me from besides me. I grinned with a guilty feeling.

"Ah, mianhae, Eonni." I apologised to her with my hoarse voice from waking up.

"It's okay, we should go now." she said. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. When I had fully awaken, I realised Jiyoung Oppa had already gone from the front seat.

"Where's Jiyoung Oppa?" I asked Yena Eonni when we got out from the car.

"I asked him to coordinate with the cameramen and the editor, so you can full in charge with monitoring the Live only for now. You must be tired if taking a control in everything, Irina." she answered.

"Oh, thank you Eonni!" I thanked her and held her hand warmly. Yena Eonni chuckled.

"Don't cling to me, you better find Jinhwan now." she commanded me.

The name of Jinhwan suddenly made my cheek flushing again. It reminded me about the he-kissed-my-hand incident yesterday. And how he mentioned about Hanbin could be obsessed with me because, according to Jinhwan, I resemble so much to Kim Ji-Won. I still don't believe it until now, but my heart was fluttering when the thought crossed into my mind.

Uh-oh.. you're such a stupid girl, Irina.

"Oookay, Eonni." I said nonchalantly, as if I didn't feel bothered at all with her request.

I parted with Yena Eonni and I went to the other side of parking area to find iKON's van. Turns out their van just arrived and after it parked where it should be, I could see Yunhyeong was getting out firstly from the car. Then following by Chanwoo, Junhoe, Donghyuk, Bobby, Jinhwan—

And Hanbin. I mean B.I. Aish, what should I call him now? If we were really a friends now, should I put aside the idol image from him? And the first step that I could do for now was calling him as Hanbin, not B.I— because the name's really attached to the celebrity side of him.

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