CHAPTER 32: Stay A Night Pt. 1

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Irina's lips was reeking of tobacco's smell.

Yet kissing her still felt like devouring a chocolate instead of smoking a cigarette. This kind of kiss could make anyone forget about the taste of real sweetness. Because this, her lips— nothing can be compared with any of those sweets, cakes, and candies.

I don't know whether the nicotine or her lips itself that made me feeling so addicted though.

My lips keep devouring hers, to taste every inch of her warm and plump lips. I bit softly her lower lips- I don't even know why I did that, it was just my merely instinct— but she suddenly let out a soft moan and I never heard something sexier than that. I put my hands on her curvy waist and pulled her closer. Irina tilted her head and we were kissing deeper like there was no more time for us.

I really can't stop to feel her lips— and the truth is, I don't ever want to. But sadly, our lungs still need a thing called oxygen. We pulled our self to take a breath, yet my face still leaned to hers and I stared deeply into her pair of eyes. I liked the fact how they were looking hazy and intoxicated because of our kiss.

I touched her cheek softly. "Are you really okay with this?" I asked with raspy voice.

She nodded slowly. "Never been feeling okay before this." she murmured with an urge roaring on her hoarse voice, demanding me to kiss her lips again.

I granted her wish and kissed her lips more.

This time it was crazier than before. Irina was opening her mouth a little bit, but somehow my tongue considered it as a chanche to slip inside of hers. Irina's tongue accepted mine welcomingly and this time I was the one who let out a low growl as a response. The deeper our tongue collides, the messier our hands exploring each other's body. 

Funny how I never have experiences on kissing or making out with a girl. But with Irina, my instinct took over the control on my body— and suddenly my lips and hands explored her in the way I never thought I would be capable to do this on any woman.

I pulled away my lips again, but this time because of I wanted to say something to her.

"Let's go to my room," I whispered on her ear.

Even the hotness from her blushing face was felt by me. Her face was practically burning.

"M-mwoya?!" she asked nervously.

I just realized she was thinking of something inappropriate.

"Thats not it, pabo-yah!" I grumbled. "I promise I won't do anything to you. I just... I just don't want to be parted with you right now. But staying here will be bad for your health and someone might caught us up."

Irina looked a little bit relieved. "W-will I stay a night in your room?" she asked hesitantly.

I blushed and unconsciously covered my mouth with my fist. The thought of having her sleep besides me for all night made me having goosebumps. It was the worst and best idea at the same time. Would I be able to hold my self?

Finally I nodded.

"If you don't mind," I muttered.

Irina looked at me with jittery, but I could see the wanting feeling radiated on her eyes. Her logical and emotional mind must having a bickering right now.

Yet she nodded.

"I don't mind." she whispered.


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