CHAPTER 25: Bloom Pt. 2

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I was taking my mask, glasses, and hat off so the photo would showing my face clearly.

But it gave me a complain from the girl besides me. "Yah! Are you crazy? Don't take off your disguise. What if the employee recognising you?!" she whispered to me.

I smirked confidently. "Don't worry, he clearly won't recognising me. He's middle aged man and I already studied his eyes when he saw me, he has no idea who am I." I whispered her back.

"But what if someone passing by..."

I told her to be quiet. "Relax, Irina. Don't you see that this place is barely empty, huh?"

Irina rolled her eyes. "Okay, but why are you embracing my shoulder?" she asked.

I chuckled. "Pabo-yah, I already told the employee that we are a couple. It would be weird if we didn't show him our proximity, right?" I told her.

"Jeez, and why did you have to lie to him though." she mumbled.

And why did you willingly accept my embrace, Irina? I asked her on my mind.

Oh, don't even bother to tell me. I knew your actual desire. I saw your eyes and all of your reactions to me ever since I asked you that hypothetically question. I knew your answer... and clearly you would chose me over your boyfriend. And you know?

For now, it was enough for me.

Then, I pulled her body closer to me so our body were touched side to side. I could see from the corner of my eyes that her cheek was flushing. I smirked, feeling satisfied. I leaned my body to her so I could whisper closely to her left ear.

"Let's just pretend to be a real one only for now, okay?" I whispered.

Then I heard a 'click' sound from the polaroid camera. We both looked up and turns out the employee already took a photo of us. He grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, but it's really the right moment to take your photo. You guys looked very romantic before." he said.

Irina coughed awkwardly and I was grinning ear to ear. "It's okay. Can you please take a photo us again?" I told the employee. He nodded and take a photo of us again for 4 times consecutively.

The employee approached us and gave the photos. Irina quickly take her money in her wallet and gave it to the employee while receiving the photos. "Thank you." she said kindly.

"It's okay! It's my pleasure to take the photos of you. I wish your relationship will be long lasting." he said excitedly.

Irina coughed again, and this time I answered him. "Thank you, Ajusshi." I said politely. He bowed and we bowed back to him, then he went away.

"Uhm, okay. Because we finished pretending to be a couple, can you stop embracing me?" she asked me.

I smirked. "Yah, you just have a chance to spoil your self for being a fake girlfriend of Kim Hanbin. Don't you want to make it longer?" I teased her.

She was blushing, again. Aigoo, it's so fun to tease Irina- her reaction was more entertaining even compared with Yunhyeong, the main victim of my bully for all this time.

"Hanbin-ah! Stop teasing me!" she shouted. "And stop embracing me!!!"

I laughed freely and obeyed her. I put away my hand from her shoulder and raised my hand in the air, giving a gave up gesture to her.

"Okay, okay! Sorry, sorry. It's just so fun to tease you." I said while still laughing.

She rolled her eyes. "Let's walk again." she pulled my arm and forced me to walk. When I stopped my laughter, I realised she was looking at the polaroid photos.

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