CHAPTER 5: Our Little Secret

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That moment when I was talking face-to-face with B.I in the front of vending machine probably is the most impossible moment that ever happened to me.

But this moment right now quickly was replacing that moment. I was sitting side-to-side with B.I in taxi. Yeah, you weren't read it wrong.

I. Was. Sitting. With. B.I.

Of course we sat far apart, but I could feel the warmness from his left arm that located closest to me. And I couldn't resist to imagine that infamous muscle on his upper arm. Sadly, he wore long sleeve yellow t-shirt, and there was written words in front of it said 'THE 1 AND THE ONLY'.

Yeah, you are the one and the only guy who could make my heart really skipped a beat, B.I.

Maybe you're wondering why the hell am I suddenly be with B.I? As for your information, It accidentally happened and I had to sacrifice my precious handphone. But I'm not complaining, probably I'm willing to sacrifice more of it. Even another things beside my handphone if I knew this would be happened.


3 hours earlier...

We arrived in Jeju International Airport.

And like usual, my bladder was signalling me to pee immediately. I instinctively rushed to the closest restroom that I found on the way to the exit gate in airport. But stupid me-I didn't tell Yena Eonni and Jiyoung Oppa that I had to go to restroom. When they already walked away far in front of me, I thought 'nah, never mind I would just chat them later'.

But guess what did happen? My handphone, that I put on my dress' pocket, fell into the toilet. It happened when I want to put it out so I could chat Yena Eonni that I was in the restroom. I guess my hand slipped out of it.

"WHAAAAT?" I screamed on the inside toilet cubicle. People outside me who heard that even knocked on my cubicle, asked me what happened.

"No, no. It's nothing. I'm sorry to be noisy." I said quickly. And they were letting me go.

Fuck, why did I have to be so clumsy? I thought miserably. Luckily, I already flushed so my handphone wasn't covered by my own pee. But still— taking my handphone from 'the hole' clearly wasn't pleasantly to do. It took 10 minutes long to finally grab my handphone with my hand.

Feeling disgusting and nearly crying, I wiped my handphone and hoping that thing wouldn't broke. But yeah, of course my handphone had broken. It was drowned on the 'holy' water for more than 10 minutes. What did I expect to?

I went out from the restroom and was still trying to fix my handphone-but it wasn't work. So I just prayed that Yena Eonni and Jiyoung Oppa realized that I was left behind and they would come to here. But yeah, of course it didn't happen. So I had to think hard: how could I go to the hotel without them and my handphone? My handphone that apparently the only thing that saved all of the necessities about the accommodation in here. And the stupidest thing was I couldn't remember the hotel's name where I supposed to be lived while in Jeju Island.

If there's an award for the stupidest employee at YG company, surely it would be awarded to me.

Because I was feeling too dumbfounded, I just sat on whatever chair that located near the restroom for around 2 hours. Yeah, I was still trying to fix on my handphone. Why why why it has to be happened now?

This must be the price that I have to pay for the trip with IKON. I'm okay if it was just breaking my phone-but the moment when it happened that I couldn't bear. There's hundred hotels in here, and you think I should wandering around in Jeju Island to find my hotel? Nah, I'll pass.

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