CHAPTER 22: The Edge

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I forced a smile and chuckled to hide my despair.

"Yah! I'm just kidding! Why did you stare at me so scared like that, huh?" I asked her as jokingly as I could, even though I felt so pitiful inside.

Irina jolted and blinked for several times. She looked confused at first, like she was surprised of my actions and expected me to say something else. Then she tilted her head and managed to laugh. Even though it sounds so awkward.

"Gosh, it wasn't funny, Hanbin-ah!" she slapped my arms lightly.

"Sorry, but it felt so right to get the joke out. The moment fitted perfectly!" I said and smirked. "But your heart skipped a beat before, don't you?" I teased her.

Her face was blushing madly. "A-aniyo! Don't tease me!" she shouted panicky.

I cursed several times on my mind. This girl really got my nerves. Why did she has to make such a face, like she was really nervous when I said that? She would made me misunderstand even more!

"Yah, take these chocolates. My hand is sore." I said to switch the topic. Irina took all of it and put it into her clutch.

"Thank you, Hanbin-ah! I really loves chocolate, anyway. How do you know?" she asked.

Because you smelled like one, clumsy girl. I thought. And now, you tasted just like a chocolate for me. It's fucking bittersweet.

"Well, every girl must love chocolates, aren't they?" I said nonchalantly.

Irina nudged my shoulders teasefully. "Look at you, talking like you know a girl and all." she scoffed.

Yeah, I don't know anything about woman indeed. Especially when it comes about you.

What in the hell. I really need to stop thinking bitterly in every Irina's word.

"Yah, I made all of those love songs that make every woman fell in love with the song. Yet you said I don't know anything about woman? Jeez." I chided her.

Irina rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever you said," she scoffed again. "Anyway, because we already make up, why don't you ask Bobby or June to unlock the door and let us out?"

"Just knock on the door, they will hear it." I told her and pointed the door out.

Irina obeyed me and knocked on the door gently. But there was no reaction from the outside. She tried it again and knocked harder. But still, no reaction.

"Bobby Oppa! Open the door! We're done talking!" Irina shouted.

"Hey, why did you call him Oppa?" I suddenly asked.

"Umm, because he's older than me, of course." she answered with matter-of-factly tone.

"Yeah, I know. I mean, you suddenly get along with all of my members meanwhile you were angry with me. It's annoying." I said and pouted.

Irina laughed. "Don't be such a possessive friend, Hanbin-ah." she said. "Anyway, why don't they respond to us? And it sounds so quite. Don't tell me there's no one in the room!" she shouted after she leaned her right ear against the door.

"Maybe they're going outside." I said.

"What? And still locked the door?! But I want to go back to my room!" she whined.

"Aish, this girl. Wait, I'll chat Bobby, don't whining." I calmed her. I opened my handphone and chatted Bobby.

Yah, where r u Hyung

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