CHAPTER 31: Planted Kiss

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Irina's POV

MC Yoo Jae Suk was about announcing the important and big news for iKON.

Hanbin still doing The Live anyway. And I could tell that he, the other members, and the fans who had been watching the Live were impatiently waiting for the news. I even could see June were biting his lips and tapping the round table in front of him- looking like a petulant kid who couldn't wait for his candy.

"...Now, all of you must be very thrilled to get to know more about the big news from Mr. Yang, right?" Jae Suk was asking playfully to the audience. We were cheering excitedly to him, and Jae Suk was chuckling happily.

"Okay, I heard your excitement! Now, before your excitement gone away, let's welcome Mr. Yang to the stage to spill the tea for us!!!"

Mr. Yang were entering the stage and the audience were clapping hands loudly. Jae Suk was giving him the mic and Mr. Yang took it carefully before placed the mic in front of his lips. He smiled widely to the audience.

"Annyeonghaseo, this is Yang Hyunsuk. Herewith this speech, I want to tell you the news that be said as profoundly important news for iKON." he uttered confidently.

"Several months ago, I was meeting with CEO of Universal Music Group. We were discussing about BLACKPINK's next album though. But after that, he expressed to me if there was another group under our label who seems gaining popularity in U.S market..." he trailed off the words.

Some of audience started to figure out what Mr. Yang meant. They were looking at Mr. Yang excitedly, couldn't wait to hear further so they can confirmed their guessing.

"Simply and solely, the group whom he meant is iKON." Mr. Yang said while smiling widely. "Long short story, the discussion ended up with our recently devolped partnership to make the firstly iKON's debut in U.S and the upcoming album would be promoted worldwide, helped by the Universal Music Group."

There was a silence among the audience.

I stared at iKON curiously. And I didn't regret it- their expression right now were priceless. All of them seemed astounded and petrified. I stifled my laugh and had to hold myself for not letting out any voices because it was still quiet.

Then, Jaeho-ssi, the manager of iKON started to clap his hand bluntly for breaking the silence. Everyone started to follow him and cheered loudly. Some of them even approached iKON and congratulate them, including ONE. I glanced at Hanbin and he was unconciously receiveing the congratulations words from everyone, but I could tell he still considered the things that Mr. Yang said was fleeting.

"Now we knew already about the news, why don't we have them on the stage to give little words?" said Mr. Yang. "But, considering the stage is pretty small- I only asked one person to come here."

The members were pushing Hanbin to come to th stage without any hesitation. Hanbin forcefully stood up from his seat, and put my handphone at the table. Bobby was taking over the handphone and the Live smoothly, taking a shoot of Hanbin.

Mr. Yang chuckled. "Of course it would be the leader. C'mon, Hanbin-ah! Come to the stage."

Hanbin was walking haltily, still seemed astounded— but managed to put a brightly wide smile on his face. He entered the stage and Mr. Yang was giving him the mic. Hanbin grabbed the mic, looking at the audience awkwardly while smiling showing his teeth. More like he was gaping, anyway.

"Really, I am still surprised with this big news." he suddenly said. "My mind is still roaming and loading with this. Nevertheless, here I am, standing on the stage trying to give some wise words for responding to the sudden news from Mr. Yang." he joked and the audience laughed heartedly.

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