CHAPTER 6: I Wonder Why

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The Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel is apparently located in front of the beach.

As soon as we got off from the taxi, I could feel the presence of the sea. I took a deep breath again, enjoying that salty smell and the sound of waves. This is really a nice hotel where you could spend time within. Of course-despite of that I had to work in here.

"C'mon, Irina-ssi." Said B.I while walking into the lobby of the hotel.

I just realized he was wearing his hoodie and mask back this time; maybe he didn't want to catch attention from people who wandering around us. There were bunch of young adult and teens; so they must recognized B.I right away-unlike the driver before.

I followed him and after we arrived in the spacious and luxurious lobby, the receptionist greeted us warmly.

"Good morning, may I help you?" she said.

"We're from YG com—"

Before I could finished my words, suddenly someone called me from behind. It was Yena Eonni. She quickly reached me and then hugged me tightly.

"IRINA-YAH!" she shouted. "Where have you been? Me and Jiyoung was really worried about you! We realised you weren't with us in the airport. Called you like million times but your number wasn't active and we decided to just wait you in the hotel. But you didn't appear until now! What happened to you? And why couldn't you be contacted?" she asked me a lot of questions that I couldn't answer at the same time. She seems worried and confused when she finally let me go from her.

I grimaced and bowed to her. "I'm sorry, Eonni." I said. And then I told her the same story that I told B.I before. In the end of my story telling, she sighed and shook her head.

"Oh my God, I forgot that you could be so clumsy." Her comment made me blushed because of the humiliated feeling. "But what is important is that you are here at last. Oh, and how did you get to here?" she finally asked.

"I met someone who helped me and you wouldn't believe who it was, Eonni." I whispered to her. Then, I turned around to see B.I-but he had already gone. I looked around and still couldn't find him. I quickly asked the receptionist. "I'm sorry, but where is the guy who was with me before?"

"Ah, he already took of his room's key and went upstairs, Miss." She answered.

Wow, that was so fast. "Okay, thank you." I said.

"Who is the guy?" Yena Eonni asked me.

I stared at her and felt a litte bit hesitant whether to tell her or not. She wouldn't believe it though. So I decided to just answered it vaguely.

"My guardian angel, Eonni."

Ha ha. You wish he was.



'Thank you for feeding us information about their upcoming comeback, YG!'

'Oh my God you dropped the bomb so suddenly! I'm not ready at all :'('

I was grinning when I was scrolling over reading the comments from IKONIC on the Instagram. I just uploaded the promotion poster 10 minutes ago in IKON's official account and IKONIC already 'bombing' the comment section. There were already more than thousand comments.

"How was their reaction?" asked Yena Eonni in her bed. We already in our room and I must say this room was very nice and comfy. The interior was modern and neat. And the best part was we had room with ocean view!

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