CHAPTER 9: Nihilism

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I felt really full because of those scrumptious grilled black pork.

I ate a lot and I didn't regret it at all (usually I must regret it so much) because the grilled black pork was that really good. Even Jiyoung Oppa, who was ready to slap The Producer because of the shooting delay, forgot all of his complaining because the black pork. That food is really has magical effect, indeed. 

Luckily, there was no scheduled shooting again for today and all of staff members had a free time. After we ate black pork, me and my sunbae decided to visit Ossuloc Tea Museum. We tried the infamous green tea ice cream and it was waaaaay too delicious! I almost have a second cup but called it off because I was too full. 

And I regret it now. Turns out, the black pork and green tea ice cream evaporated quickly on my stomach. It was just 6.30 PM and dinner time hadn't came yet. I rolled on my bed nervously because my growled stomach. Yena Eonnie was snoring softly besides me and I envy her for sleeping soundly. 

I decided to take a walk instead. I fixed my messy hair, put a little lip tone on my lips, and grabbed my pouch. Then I got out and went to the lift. I was wondering where should I go, when I read the hotel's dictionary map and turns out there was a rooftop. I smirked because I already found the best spot to hang out.

When the lift opened, I went in and pushed the highest floor. 


The rooftop was an usual. 

There were bar, lounge, and swimming pool. I wasn't interested to hang out at bar nor lounge, so I just went to the spot nearby swimming pool. Fortunately, there were barely people in here (mostly, they were hanging out inside the bar and lounge), so I could relax more comfortably.

I sat on one of lounge chair and casually lean back on it. I enjoyed the scenery down there even though it was look just like the usual suburban area. But at least, the sky was really clear and near sunset time so it was an amazing view. 

Woah, this is really felt like a holiday! I thought happily.

After a split seconds, I gulped and felt nervous. I knew the reason and now my mind was debating.

Hey, it's a perfect time to light up your cigarette, Irina... The left side told me.

Don't! You already quit for more than 1 year, Irina. You want to break the record? The right side asked and reminded me.

That's why you should celebrate it with smoke one cigarette! Said the left side.

What if you got caught by someone from YG company? You know our company is so strict and clean.. smoke is likely to be prohibited. Said the right side.

You wouldn't get caught! All of people must be hanging out or sleeping on their room. The left side convinced me.

"Arrrgh, this is so frustrating!" I half-shouted to my self.

And yeah, because I'm a weak, physically and mentally— I finally grabbed my cigarette that I bought before on the supermarket where I passed by. I took one and light it with my old lighter. Fuck off, this is kind of holiday though. Let me enjoy this. I thought to defend myself.

After didn't taste it for 1 year, the first smoke was so incredible. I moaned with satisfied and continued my smoking. At this point, I wouldn't care so much if  someone caught me. I knew that smoke isn't that illegal on our company, but it just violating the ethics and norm. Moreover if a woman do that.

"Well, well, well. It's kind of surprising, Irina." said a familiar voice behind me.

I coughed so hard and accidentally dropped my cigarette. It immediately died because the floor down there was soaking with swimming pool's water. Unintentionally, I cursed and that just made the familiar voice chuckled. I looked up and there was B.I, who stared at me curiously.

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