CHAPTER 33: Stay A Night Pt. 2

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Irina's POV

It had already passed 1 AM in the morning.

We were lazily laying side to side on his bed, doing nothing besides talking. Our conversation been going on and on— couldn't be stopped at all. We're been talking about literally everything.

I realized if Hanbin such a thoughtful and deep thinker, but when we talked more and I jumped into his mind— I knew he has such a beautiful mind.

And he has a quirky mind too, though.

You can judge from the way he does Vlive and talk to his fans, how his conversation jumped to things to another things. It changed really fast and I almost had a struggle to keep up with him. He just talked whatever things crossed his mind randomly. Also, I had to be prepared everytime he suddenly asked random question about me. And trust me, it oftenly happened.

"What's your favorite food?" he asked me curiously, right after he talked a lot about Hanbyul. That was so randomly asked and I was stammering before answering him.

"Anything spicy." I told him.

"Grraah, I just remembered that satanic Tteokboki you fed to me." he grimaced.

I laughed. "It's nothing. I ate spicier food than that."

"Can you cook?" he suddenly asked again.

I shrugged off. "Yeah, but don't expect it to be really good. I cook whatever that makes me survived." I said.

He grinned. "Okay, first wish list: I want you to cook me in Seoul."

"Yah! You would regret it, trust me." I shouted panicky.

"No, I wouldn't! I'll eat anything that you cooked to me and say your cook is good, whatever it is." he said in assuring tone.

I smirked mischievously. "Really? If I make it spicy, would you still eat that?"

He gulped, but he managed to reply me confidently. "You fed me that satanic food two days ago, and I survived. I think that's a good start."

I chuckled. "Yeah, okay. I'll cook for you."

He pumped a victory fist to the air. "Amazing!"

"Be prepared, though. I'll cook you a lot of Indonesian food that really spicy." I threatened him playfully.

"It's okay. I've tried Indonesian food, but never try the spicy one. What's your favourite Indonesian food, anyway?" he asked again, making me chuckled because his random and sudden question.

"There's a lot! Soto Mie, Bakso, Nasi Padang, Gulai, and many more... I literally love all of Indonesian foods, especially when it's spicy. God, I miss Indonesian food so much." I whined.

Hanbin chuckled, but then he remained silent. He looked like considering whether he should ask the question he was about to give to me. I raised my eyebrow, questioning him. "What do you want to ask?" I asked.

Hanbin rolled his eyes. "And here I am, still amazed with your capable to guess my thought." he whined, making me laughed proudly. "Do you only miss the foods from there?" he asked me carefully.

I flinched because of the question. "Umm... Not really." I answered vaguely.

"So, what others thing that you miss?" he tried to dig me.

"Why don't you jump to the real question where you want to know 'do I miss my boyfriend in Indonesia'?" I spoke in sarcasm, making Hanbin stammering.

"I-I didn't mean that. I mean, not really." he admitted. "But I truly want to know what's things, place, moment, and people you really miss from there and making a little part of you wishing that you could turn back the time."

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