CHAPTER 39: Seven Days

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Irina's POV

Hanbin's stare never left me at all.

I was gradually drowning into his eyes, my concious swifted to those good memories when we were together in Jeju Island, where his dark brown eyes were staring at me with the same intense affection for me. He didn't even touch me at all but it felt like his eyes were lingering around my body, leaving hot and sting feeling in every inch of body.

As soon as my body feels his presence, every cells on my body were practically screaming at me, telling me to approach him and doing all of those innaproriate things in my mind. Then I realized how much my mind and body have been craving for him. How much I missed him, how much I longed for him, how much I wanted him— I was truly yearning for him all these times.

And what did I do?

I run. As fast as I could.

My feet moved by its own and after a split seconds I was in my room again. I shut my door harshly, stood in front of it, and hugged my self tightly. I tried to calm my heartbeat and collected all of my sanity.

Is it really Hanbin? The Kim Hanbin? I asked to my self. How can? How? Why? When did he

"You know, Irina. You can ask me directly then babbling to yourself inside your room." said the silvery voice from behind the door.

Crap. It's really him. No one's voice could be as silvery as his voice. And of course, who else could be talking in Korean fluently than me in this house and neighborhood?

"Irina, please open the door." he said again. This time, his voice sounded very pleading.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. "You shouldn't be here. What if someone, Indonesian iKONICS saw you? Or worse, paparazzi--"

"Relax, Irina. I went to here straightly after I arrived at the airport. I used my full disguise, as you see before, and I'm sure no one recognize me." he explained in calm tone.

"But still, you shouldn't go. You have a tight schedule with your comeback things, Hanbin."

"How can I being focus if my mind only filled by you, Irina?" he asked frustratingly. "You didn't even reply my chat and answer my call. I was worrying you!"

"I was about to reply your chat today, then you appeared out of nowhere!" I shouted.

"Really? After a week you just decided to contact me? How considerate you are." he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes eventhough he couldn't see me. "I was preparing my heart." I defended my self.

"Preparing for what?" he asked in deep voice, making my heart was jumping eratically.

I coughed a little before I answered. "I made a mistake for leaving you just like that. What I did was stupid, decided on my self about our relationship. The truth is I want to fight us, but my stupid traits who tend to avoid happiness blocking the way and my mind so I ended up runaway. I'm sorry for being stupid. But now, I've been fixing it and I even broke up with Adrian—"

"What? You've already broke up?" asked Hanbin frantically behind my door.

I gulped. "Yeah, so I could continue our relationship. I know I'm stupid for doing this just now but—"

"Irina." Hanbin suddenly cut me off.

"Wh, what?" I asked stammeringly, feeling nerves.

"Are you sure you want to talk heart to heart while this fucking door blocking us?"

I bit my lips. "But..."

"Despite of everything you want to say to me and vice versa, I desperately need you to open this door so I could hug and kiss you."

Seven Days (B.I / Kim Hanbin Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now