CHAPTER 2: First Meeting

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Present day

"How is your preparation, Irina?" asked Yena Eonni to me while I was copying the presentation data on PC in meeting room.

I managed to give her a smile. "I think it's quite good. I followed all of your advice and I could only hope Mr. Yang not in a badmood situation."

Yena Eonni chuckled. "It's okay, I saw him this morning-he seems in a good mood. Today's meeting will running smoothly."

I smiled and nodded to her. This time, Jiyoung Oppa came to me and patted my shoulder, giving me an encourage.

"It's okay, we will help you if Mr. Yang asked something complicated. Besides," he elbowed my arm teasefully, "there will be your muse as well to watch your presentation. I'm sure you will give them your best, am I right?"

I'm sure I was blushing this time. "Oppa! Don't tease me!" I shouted at him. Jiyoung Oppa just laughed and walked away from me, sitting besides Yena Eonni.

I was walking to the empty seat besides Jiyoung Oppa when someone opened the door. I looked up and was expecting Mr. Yang— but it wasn't him.

It was B.I, the charismatic leader of iKON.

Suddenly I forgot how to breathe.

B.I looked a bit hesitant when he saw me, Jiyoung Oppa, and Yena Eonni. "Excuse me, is this the right room for today's meeting with Mr. Yang and media marketing division?" he asked us with his silvery voice.

Oh. My. God.

I had watched all of IKON's variety or talk show and listened to all of their songs. I also watched their concert once and heard his voice directly. I was supposed to had enough knowledge about each member's voice, wasn't I? Especially B.I's voice— he has an unique voice after all.

But I never expected his voice would be sounds so... Ear-catching. Atrractive. And somehow it gave me a goosebumps just hearing his voice in a real life.

I froze and didn't give him an answer. Luckily, Jiyoung Oppa took control over it. He quickly responded to B.I's question.

"Yes, you are right. Please come in." said Jiyoung Oppa while standing up to welcoming him.

Yena Eonni followed him and I- I was still freezing. Yena Eonni seems aware of my condition because she naturally pulled me over and seated me in the closest empty seat from her.

B.I nodded at Jiyoung Oppa and now he was shouting at outside meeting room. "Guys, it is the right room!"

And the 7 of them are getting into the room.

I forgot how to breathe again. Oh, I think I haven't been breathing since B.I appeared. Please don't you dare to scream, or collapse, I told my self.

B.I, Yunhyeong, Chanwoo, Bobby, Junhoe, Jinhwan, and then Donghyuk came in consecutively. I tried to look away so my heart wasn't going to explode— but it was freaking impossible. My eyes had been following their presence around since they came.

And when B.I took the seat in front of me, I gripped Yena Eonni's hand so hard. I held my self to scream with biting my tongue. It hurts as fuck-but at least I managed to get my rationality came back into my mind.

Yena Eonni gave me look. 'Are you okay?' she mouthed at me. I nodded slowly. Yena Eonni seems unsure but she let me go this time.

I glanced to B.I who was sitting in front of me. He didn't put any make up on his face but he looks so flawless. He wore a golden round glasses and yellow-brown turtleneck sweater. His hair was in dark brown colour and a little bit messy— but in a good way. 

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