CHAPTER 21.5: So, Please.

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Irina's eyes were opened widely.

I could tell there was a surprise in her eyes. Maybe she didn't expect me to challenge her about saying a thing to confirm what actually happened between us. And there was a worry. Maybe she was worrying my feeling for her to be confirmed as something beyond a friendship. And the last was the one that made me regret once again about what I said to her.


Those feelings would slowly pulled her away, making her do anything, anything to make sure she won't facing the thing that makes her feeling that fear. In her case, I was the one who's causing her fear. I wasn't really sure why did she feel that way to me, but I know it would make her stay away even more from me. I don't want that happened. I better hold my feelings forever in exchange for anything to make her always smiling brightly for me.

Even though I should pulling my self away from what I've been feeling for her.

So, please. 

Don't look at me with those fear feelings.


Irina's POV

I remained silent after Hanbin asked that to me.

How I supposed to reply him anyway? I was too scared to let anything out from my lips. Even though I always found a way to lessen or break the tension between us, but I knew it wouldn't be worked this time. He was being too serious and he wouldn't let this thing go easily.

Oh, no. What I've been afraid of had finally happened.

We both knew that we fell for each other.

Sadly, we have to make our feelings into oblivion as soon as possible. Because of every possible scenario that might happen between me and him, there's no way a happy ending would find us.

So, please.

Don't look at me with those affection feelings.


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