CHAPTER 15: Embarassing

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Irina's POV

My heart was thumping so hard because of this closeness between me and Hanbin.

His hand was surrounding my waist tightly from beside, and you can say he was practically hugging me. And the worst part was I wasn't even trying to get off my body from him. All I wanted was hugging him back and burying my head against his manly neck.

Ugh, you and your hormones, Irina pabo!

But the worst part was his eyes. His sharp eyes continued to stare long at mine like he was searching for something on it. Aigoo... what kind of his gaze that he was doing to me right now? It sent shivers up and down to my spine. I swear if he continue gazing at me like that, he may gave me an heart attack for a God's sake.

"Umm.. thank you." I managed to whisper something to make the situation had lesser tension. "I know, I know, I'm such a clumsy and—"

"You're fine, Irina." he muttered to me— and oh man I could smell his minty breath that smelled so good. That was making me feel distraught and almost didn't realised he spoke in English. "You're fine." he said it again, in English. I confused.

Then I just realised he was repeating the lyrics on And July song. When Heize and Dean said to each other that they're doing fine even though they knew the relationship between them was getting more than a friendship. They accepted the situation and confessed to each other.

Oh, Kim Hanbin. You just making everything worse by saying that thing.

Forget it! You have no chance with him. He's an idol, you're a staff. And you have a boyfriend! My logical mind appeared and jolted me.

I quickly got my self off from Hanbin by releasing his hand from my waist swiftly. I could see the confusion radiated from his eyes and that made my heart shrinked. You're being unfair for showing me that kind of expression! I thought desperately.

Hanbin was about to say something when my handphone rung. I almost jumped off because of the sudden call. But good thing someone called me now. It was such a right moment because I wasn't ready to hear anything that Hanbin wanted to say before. I looked at my screen to see the caller identity.

Aish. I pulled off my word before. This is really not a good thing. Not at all.

"Umm.. I have to receive this call. Wait a sec." I mumbled to him. I unplugged the earphone from Hanbin's ear and plugged it on my left ear instead.

Then I walked away from him, searching some privacy to receive the call. More like finding a peace though. My mind was buzzing because of this sudden call, and even in such a situation like this. I took a deep breath before receiving the call.

"Hello, Adrian?" I greeted him as casually as I could.

I heard a faint relieved sigh from the handphone. "Hello, love."



Irina was looking at her handphone like she was just seeing a ghost.

Her eyes opened widely, but this time it was such a horrified stare. I wonder who was calling her and made her scared like that. I walked silently behind her to eavesdropping her conversation. I know it wasn't right, but my curiousity made me do it.

"...blablabla Jeju blablabla." she said. What the hell did she say? I only could understand the 'Jeju' word.

Oh. I just realised she didn't speak in Korean, but in some foreign language. I think it was Indonesian, it's her home country after all. Maybe the caller was someone from there.

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