CHAPTER 14: You're Fine

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I was feeling pissed off.

Not only finding Irina was listening to another song than iKON, and she said she's a big fan of my hoobae! She must be kidding me. I must show off my talent to her so she could admit it that I'm the best idol whom she should really like the most.

I was about to rap the verse part when she suddenly stopped me by covering my mouth. "Ummphh mmh!" My mouth tried to shout behind her small hand.

"Okay, okay, arasseo! You're the best singer and rapper that I'll ever knew. I admitted it." she half-screamed to me. She let go of her hand and I smiled satisfiedly to her.

"I am, indeed." I said proudly.

"Aigoo, you're really an arrogant one, aren't you? Geez." She chided.

"Being arrogant and confident about your self is different, you know. I'm confident. And proud of my self." I said and slapped my chest gently.

She chuckled. "You must never lose a confidence, don't you?" she asked me out of nowhere.

And that question gave a sensation like a pinch on my heart. If only she knew what I have exprienced before, I thought bitterly. I considered whether I should tell her about it or not. But what if she didn't react well to my story?

Irina tilted her head and stared at me with her wide, bright eyes. Wow. Jihwan Hyung was right— her eyes really resembles to Kim Ji-Won's. Wow, you already out of your mind, Hanbin.

"What? Do you have something to tell?" she asked me with a probing gaze. I gasped because she just guessed my mind right.

"Have we really met since only 3 days ago? Because your skill to guess my thought are scary." I joked. Irina chuckled shyly.

"So, what is it?" she asked again.

And this time, I was ready. I just knew she's the right person whom I could talk to.

"Actually, it was just 6 months ago I had some kind of a writer's block. I proposed a lot of songs to Mr. Yang for our comeback, but he never accepted it. He said my songs wasn't enough because there was no emotions at all in the songs." I stopped for a little while because the overwhelming feeling that began to rise within my body.

"And he was right. Seems like I couldn't put the right word and melody to all of my songs. It was just... empty and meaningless. No more inspirations came into my mind. No more the passionate emotion that I feel when I jotted the lyrics down to my notes and arranged the tune. And that makes me feeling very desperate. I was feeling unconfident the most at that point."

Irina was still listening to me and remained silent. Her expression looked sincere and that made me feeling eased just looking at her face.

I continued, "I wanted it so much to create the remarkable song for our comeback this year. But I couldn't make it even though I tried so much. I gave up and let Mr. Yang asked Raesung to make our song instead. My pride was torned to pieces, but what could I do? I really couldn't let anything out back then." I chuckled to hide my bitterness.

"I've already let it go and kind of surrender about the comeback. At least, I managed to give some idea about the song to Bobby and Raesung. And they interpreted it to the lyrics very well. But still, I'm sad because the credit wasn't on me. Well, maybe I finally can create some for our next album." I shrugged my shoulder.

I took a rest for telling a story. Irina used it to ask a question. "And... do you feel better now? Is the writer's block still there?"

"If you asked me 2 days ago, I would still said yes. But now... thanks to someone, I was feeling better and capable to being confident again. And the inspiration started to come into my mind again." I said gratefully.

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