CHAPTER 26: Deserve

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Irina's POV

I was looking in amazement at a pair of the most beautiful earring that I've ever seen.

It was already 30 minutes that I've spent only looking to the earrings. I just couldn't take my eyes off it. The diminutive bouquet of hydrangea flowers was attached to its long chain along with a fake pearl drop. And the color of hydrangea was baby blue, my favorite color.

How could I avert my eyes from it?

Moreover, the Kim Hanbin was the one who gave me this lovely pair. I still couldn't believe he gave me to this though. All I was giving to him just a little postcard, yet he gave me... this. This is beyond a worthy thing that I've ever had.

Knock, knock!

I jolted shockingly and finally averted my eyes from the earrings. I looked up to see who just knocked on my car's window. And I found Bobby. He was grinning mischievously to me from behind the glass. I quickly put the earrings to the box and held it on my hands. I opened the door and stood up in front of him.

"You startled me!" I exclaimed to Bobby.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry! You looked so focus on the things that you just stared at. What's that thing?" he asked while pointing the box on my hands out.

"Umm, it's nothing! Just a souvenir from the previous destination where I visited before." I answered vaguely.

Bobby mouthed 'O'. I was about to ask him why he was in here when I could hear a footstep walking closer to approach us. Turns out it was Donghyuk.

"Yah, Hyung! How could you leave me— oh, Irina Noona! What are you doing here?" Donghyuk asked me when he saw me.

I smiled. "I just go back and park my car in here. Are you just back as well?" I asked them.

"Yeah, we just went to do paragliding near Geum Oreum. It's so amazing! You have to go there next time, Irina-yah!" Bobby explained excitedly.

"That's right!" Donghyuk joined Bobby. "You must know, there's..."

Then, we were walking together and I listened to their story all the way to the lobby. They looked like a pair of thrilled 10 years kid who just went to the theme park and explained to the adult how good was their experiences. I chuckled most of the time seeing their excitement.

When we arrived at the lift to the room, Donghyuk was suddenly switching the topic.

"Oh, where's the others, Hyung? Have they arrived?" he asked Bobby.

"All of them informed they've arrived through our group chat, except for Hanbin-ah." answered Bobby. "I wonder where he was going though. He's such a picky when it comes to choose a tourist place." 

I tried to control the looked on my face to the poker face mode.

Donghyuk sniffed. "Yeah! Because of that, he always ended up being alone if we were parted away to travelling." he said while chuckling. 

I coughed to hide my nervousness. Be calm, they wouldn't know where were you going to...

"Oh, Irina-yah! By the way, where were you going to?" asked Bobby curiously.

I face palmed my self mentally. "Umm, I went to Camellia Hill." I decided to tell him the truth. I'm suck in lying, so it would be safer. Besides, Hanbin seems hadn't told them if he was going there.

"Really? It was one of the choices that Hanbin Hyung had before!" said Donghyuk in surprise.

I wanted to dig my own grave right now.

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