CHAPTER 30: Reaching The End

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Irina's POV

It was a perfect kind of summer night, with a starry sky and chilly weather.

The most perfect kind of time to held a party. Well, practically, this special event wasn't a party but I considered it as a one though. After all, it was to celebrate iKON's achievement and their upcoming paid hard work creating many bop songs that would be spreaded more worldwide-

Oops, I spilled too much about the event, didn't I?

Anyway, the special event was about to begin. Mr. Yang was assigned me to contact every available correspondent who possibly to attend the event with only one day notice. If we talked about inviting them to the event held in Seoul, maybe that was still possible— but we were talking about inviting them to Jeju Island.

I was lucky to be able invited at least dozen of correspondents, more or less.

Now, my phone was buzzing with plenteous of calls from the correspondents, asking me the details of the venue because they were on the way to here. I met them at the hotel's lobby and escorted a few of them to the hotel's park, where the event will be taking place. I was walking back and forth between the places anyway, like a human-iron.

And of course, my clumsiness took over sometimes- making me ended up bumped to another person, literally (however, the other little part who took a blame was the dim light along the pathway from park to lobby. It was too dark, okay!). And I suddenly bumped into someone again, countlessly.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault to not pay attention to my surrounding!" I quickly bowed to the person.

"It's okay," said the person kindly.

I looked up because of the familiarity on his voice. My eyes treated by a slender and tall body wrapped by a light-gray tuxedo. And when I found a round, wide eyes stared back at me— I gaped excessively to the point I believed anything could be put into it. I hope I wasn't drooling.

Because it was ONE, a.k.a Jung Jaewon, the handsome rapper and actor from YG Company.

If Kim Hanbin was the first on my bias list in YG, then Jung Jaewon is clearly the second one.

"Are you YG's employee?" he suddenly asked me, stopping me from admiring his god-damn handsome face.

I nodded quickly. "Yes! Why?" I asked him back.

"Great. Did you see any of iKON's members? I haven't found them at all since I arrived in here. And no one received my calls." he said while looking around.

"I think they're still in their room." I replied. "If you want, I could contact their manager—"

"Oh, you don't need to." he intervened me. "It would bother you anyway. I saw that you were so busy with walking back and forth since then."

"How do you know?" I asked confusedly.

"Well, I was sitting in that bench," he said while pointing out the closest bench nearby us, "...and kind of noticing you walked in front of me for several time." he said and making me blushed. Shit, if I knew I was being noticed by him, I would behave calmer. And prettier, if I could.

"Oh," I replied shortly. Out of reasons, ONE was chuckling and I could see his dazzling smile under the dim light.

Wow. He was just too wow.

"Anyway, what's your name?" he suddenly asked me curiously.

"Ah, I'm—"

"Hyung!" someone suddenly shouted from the edge of pathway.

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