CHAPTER 12: Flirtatious Guy

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Irina's POV


"Woah, are you okay?" asked Jinwoo-ssi, the editor who in charge for editing iKON's Comeback Journal Video. I was accompanying and monitoring him at the rooftop lounge when I abruptly sneezed so hard.

"I'm okay." I answered and gave him a little smile. "Anyway, Jinwoo-ssi, how's the editing? How long it would be finished?" I asked him.

"Ah, maybe it will take 1 hour. If I finished, I would sent the file to you right away. You can go, Irina-ssi, I could manage it on my own from now." he said kindly.

I smiled gratefully to him. "Thank you! You already have my email, right?" I asked him again. He nodded, and with that I went away quickly from the lounge. Maybe one of the reason I sneezed before because of the air conditioning in there was set so cold. I can't really stand the air conditioning that set really cold since I was a little kid.

When I was at the elevator, Yena Eonni called me. I received it. "Yonseo, Eonni?"

"Irina, have you finished monitoring the editing?" she asked.

"Yes, I have. I'm going to our room now." I answered.

"Okay, and how was the briefing with Jihwan-ssi?" she asked again. "You didn't do anything weird, did you?" she probably joked, but I could sense that she was investigating me.

Luckily, Yena Eonni couldn't see my face that blushing so hard right now. Although I did nothing with Jinhwan, but that flirtatious guy was really getting my nerves. Omo, if he did that continuously on the following days, I would be die in the end of the week.

"Aish... Everything's good. And there was nothing weird happened, Eonni. "

I wan't really lying to her, okay?


2 hour earlier...

I pinched on both of my cheek to make sure that I wasn't just dreaming.

I never imagined that I would be in talking with Kim Hanbin— moreover, it was a small talk that concerned about my personal background. And the following reality suddenly slapped me: HE IS MY FRIEND NOW. WE REPEATED, EVERYONE, KIM HANBIN IS MY FRIEND NOW!

I could imagined all of my cells running around and screaming gleefully within my body.


The elevator was opening, but I was still stunned in where I was standing. I suddenly remembered the sweet smile from Hanbin and how he waved at me when we parted, as if I was a close friend to him. And how he told me that I must treated him like he was just an average guy of me. I must be crazy when I approved his request before.

"Irina-yah, what are you doing?"

I almost jumped when I heard Yena Eonni's voice and saw her in front of the elevator.

"Get out, quick! The elevator would be closed again." she said. Then I fully realised from my daydreaming. I quickly got away from the elevator and stood out besides Yena Eonni.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, Eonni." I apologised to her.

"Aish, this girl. What makes you so careless?" she asked me rhetorically. "Anyway, I saw Jinhwan-ssi at the restaurant. You should approach him for the briefing."

I nodded. One of the main reason why I had to finished the conversation between me and B.I was because of Yena Eonni asked me to briefing Jinhwan as soon as possible. I wonder if I hadn't to do this, would it be we continued our conversation longer than it was?

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