CHAPTER 27: Maze

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Irina's POV

I was busy taking a photo of the Gimnyeong Maze Park's entrance.

It looked so picturesque though, with the wooden bridge and lots of various tree and plant along the way. Sunny day even enhanced the warm tone of the view. There was plenty of regular visitors who passed through the bridge, and I just took a random photo of them. The result photo was turns out to be alive and aesthetically nice!

After I satisfied with the photos, I was searching for Bobby to give the handphone. They must had arrived now. I was about to go to parking area when I saw iKON's members were entering the entrance. Turns out, all of them wore clothes with sandy colour that matched perfectly with sunny day.

Their apperance only could making my eyes dazzled.

I took a candid photo of them from here. Gosh, they looked so charismatic and cool and-

"Irina-yah!" Bobby shouted to me, making me jolted from my fan girling mind.

I grinned sheepishly. "Annyeong!" I shouted back. Then I approached iKON.

"Were you taking photo of us, Irina Noona?" asked Chanwoo in amused tone. I blushed because I caught up.

"Yeah, sorry. All of you looked so cool before and I can't stand to not taking a photo of you." I admitted coyly.

"Like your collection photo of us wasn't enough in your galerry." June quipped me.

"Oh, shut up!" I snapped at him. iKON were laughing gleefully.

"You know, you looked beautiful as well, Irina." flirted Jinhwan. "Blue is really your colour indeed."

I blushed again. Today, I was wearing a white blouse with floral pattern matched with an asymmetrical baby blue skirt. Consider it was the best mix and matched outfit I've ever worn in here. It was my favourite kind of clothes too.

"Yah! You're unbelieveable, Hyung!" Donghyuk shouted to Jinhwan.

"Just be careful, Jinhwan-ah. You wouldn't be sleeping soundly tonight because our leader would causing you a bad dream." said Yunhyeong while giggling.

"Don't drag me into this!" said Hanbin annoyingly.

"Awww, looked at him. Already sulking again." said Bobby teasefully.

Hanbin face palmed his self and I blushed even more. All of them were laughing in amusement at us. I decided to switch the topic again.

"Bobby Oppa, here's the phone for the Live. Just do it according to our briefing last night." I said to Bobby and gave him my phone.

"Alright, Irina-yah! Donghyuk can join me, can't him?" he asked. Donghyuk were embracing Bobby's shoulder excitedly.

I smiled. "Of course." I agreed. Both of them did high five enthusiastically. Afterwards, they already went away to the inside of the maze.

Suddenly, some crew was calling the rest of the members to prepare for their turn. They went away quickly. I waved at them.

"Irina-ssi, sorry I just arrived." said Hyoseok the cameramen, who suddenly stood up besides me.

"It's okay, Hyoseok-ssi. Bobby and Donghyuk already gone though. But I think he went to inside of the maze." I told him.

"Okay, I'll catched them up." he said.

"Yeah, thank you! I'll catch up later. I want to go to bathroom first." I said. He nodded, then he was entering the maze.

I turned around and-- almost crashed on Hanbin. I gasped shockingly because found him in there.

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