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"Hey, you saved me a spot."
I glance up from my book to see my younger best friend, Jeon Jungkook, sliding on the bench beside me. I smile. Although three years younger than me, we've managed to remain friends since we became neighbors when I was seven.
I would always protect him from bullys and as we grew up, he became a lot stronger and popular than me. He became my protector. I'm not saying I'm not that unpopular—I just like to keep to myself. Many people call me nerdy because I prefer staying home alone studying new things instead of partying and drinking like everyone else my age.
Going into my third year of high school, I've spent most of my time outside of school with Jungkook since he's not in the same grade as me. He'll be just getting into high school my last year.
"Don't I always?" I don't really. No one just never sits with me. My seats are always empty for him. Right now we're at the library in town where we can study together. I'm like his own personal tutor anyway. He's smart just distracted.
He pulls out his books—subjects I'd already passed ages ago—and a notebook and pen. I put my own advance calculus book up and focus on him.
Running a hand through his dark messy hair, he sits back and sighs. He just started football and I know practice has been tiring him out. Just as I open my mouth to begin his lesson, I notice a group of girls around my age hovering close by.
I pause, glancing at Jungkook to see if he notices. His eyes are closed and he looks close to falling asleep. I know they want to talk to him. Everyone always wants to talk to him. They can't understand why he spends all his time with a silent nerdy older loser like me. Whatever. It's not their business.
His eyes snap open and he groans, stretching. His shirt rising to flash his tan abs. Those girls practically swoon. I roll my eyes as he speaks up. "Yeah?" Yawning.
I nod to the group. "Think you got a posse following you." I tease.
He frowns, scooting closer to me. "Ugh. They won't leave me alone. They've been stalking me since practice. I told them I wanted time alone to study."
I drop my gaze. I've never been jealous of Jungkook. He's outgoing, attractive, sporty, and friendly. I'm not. It's just the way it is. I know if we had not have met as children then we'd never run in the same circles.
I'm surprised he's wanted to stick by me all this time. I have no other friends but I know it's not the same for him. He's always surrounded by friends and teammates.
"Can we just get out here and go to your house? Eomma is bugging me a lot so I want to hang out with you." He pouts.
Smiling, I nod and stand, gathering my things. He does the same and takes my bag from me, slinging it over his shoulder. He always carries my bag. I've never asked him to, he just does it.
I can see the girls whining as we leave, walking the two blocks to our houses. Heading upstairs to my room, I plop down on my bed and make room for him. He lays down face first, burying his face in my pillow.
"Hey, you okay? You've been acting off lately. You aren't as...cheerful lately." I notice, concerned.
He peaks up at me, a contemplative look on his face. "I need to tell you something but I don't want to. It upsets me." He admits, forcing himself into a sitting position and playing with my bedsheet absentmindedly.
I stop worrying about our school work and focus fully on him. "What is it? Can I help?"
"No. There's nothing any of us can do."
I wait but he doesn't speak back up. I squeeze his wrist. "What is it?"
When his gaze meets mine, I see tears in his eyes. "I'm moving. Appa got a new job across the country. I'm moving to Seoul." He admits, sniffling. "I won't get to see you anymore. I'm sorry."
My entire world crashes down around me. I feel like I can't breathe. He's...leaving?
"W-when are you going? Why didn't I know about this? Does my parents know."
He nods. "I asked them if I could tell you but I've been putting it off. I don't want to go but I have to. I won't get to go to your school. I'm being sent to a private high school in Seoul. I'm sorry, Joonie."
I hug him without thinking, always comfortable around him. "I'll miss you."
He cries into my shoulders. "M-me, too. I'm leaving this week. I won't be able to see you but I'll call. Everyday." He promises.
I smile sadly, wiping his tears. "Okay. I'll be waiting for your calls and when I graduate, I'll move to Seoul, too. We can see each again then."
"Really? You promise you won't forget about me?"
"Jeon Jungkook, I'll never forget you. Best friends for life, remember?"
"Swear we'll stay together after you graduate."
"I swear."


The Jeon's moved that weekend. Hours away from me. My best friend in the entire world. The only one that ever understood and never judged or made fun of me—gone.
Really, though, things weren't so cliche. I didn't suddenly get picked on more or anything. I was left alone for the most part. Jungkook and I would talk every night he didn't have games. He was unsurprisingly just as popular at his new school like his old one. He just had that aura about him.
Me—I continued with my studies, planning and saving for the day I could go visit him and hang out. I even got accepted to a prestigious top college in Seoul.
It was on the last two weeks before my high school graduation that I saved enough money to take a train to Seoul. I was old enough that my parents had no problem with it and I wanted to surprise him. Sometime after the first year, we lost contact.
He got a new phone or something and just never gave me his number. I didn't know his parent's number and neither did my parents know it. I did have his high school address, though.
So packing my overnight bag, I glanced at myself in the mirror—all big fluffy brown hair and black glasses, pale never perfectly smooth skin. I was tall and smart. Pretty much the only thing I had going for me. I tug at my t shirt and worn slacks before leaving the house to head to Seoul.

      I spend the whole trip imagining the smile on his face when I see him. Hoe we'll reconnect and tell each other how life has been going. I'm excited. I've missed my best friend. Surely he's missed me, too, right?
It's almost dark when I get to the school. The only reason anyone is even there is because a football game is happening. I know Jungkook is in it. It's his passion.
Tightening the strap of my bag on my shoulder, I pay for a ticket and sit on the bleachers away from everyone. Trying to find him.
I don't find him on the field. Did he not play tonight? He loved football. Surely he wouldn't skip. Maybe he was injured? I glanced over at the team members not playing only to frown. He's not there, either.
     I decide to walk around, searching for him. He has to be here. I don't know where he lives and I don't want to ask anyone. Eventually I have to give up, though, and find a group girls. I ask if they know where he lives and they giggle of course before telling me about his huge house party going on tonight.
     I'm only mildly surprised. They give me the address easily, thankfully, and I walk the ten minutes to his place. I'm shocked by the sight of the huge estate house. I knew his family was well off but not this much. He never bragged about having money.
      I walk up the long drive and just walk in since the door is wide open with drunk party goers. It's on the back patio I find him. My breath leaving my lungs. He's changed. Like really changed. He's huge and muscular. His hair is shorter and lighter. His skin perfectly tan and blemish free.
      That's not what shocks me, though. It's the fact he's beating up some guy. Like brutally. The guy reminds me of myself. His group of friends laugh and cheer as the kid cries and bleeds on the ground.
     I don't think—I run over and stop him. "Jungkook!"
     His entire body seems to freeze up as he looks at me like I'm an alien. His friends look shocked as well. He doesn't look at me fondly. He doesn't smile. In fact, his eyes are almost blank. He looks at me like I'm a stranger.
     "Who's this, Kook? Your boyfriend." The guys around us tease.
      He scoffs. "Fuck no!" He shoves me, taking me by surprise. "This loser? I've never seen him before in my life." He walks forward with a smirks and swagger, grabbing me by the collar and leaning down to my ear.
     I'll never forget the words he whispers to me.
     "Get out of my life, Joon. I hate you. You don't belong in my life anymore." He pushes me down and walks away with his friends, grabbing a beer and a girl on his way back inside.
      I stare at my old friend, numb. What happened to him? Why is he like this? Is this why he stopped talking to me? He finally started thinking about me like everyone else.
What happened to our promises? His promise?

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