cHaPtEr TwElVe

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Namjoon has been actively trying to avoid me for the last two weeks. Trying being the operative word. Since that sweet little morning after he all but tried to ghost me.
He can't really do that with our contract, though. I thought we were actually getting somewhere but something went south and I'm not sure what it was.
He was letting his guard down around me and getting comfortable again. I know he was. I know him—at least I used to.
He's recently returned to his cold, reluctant self again, though, and I don't like it. He's been attempting to get out of our arrangements by working overtime. Practically sleeping at the company.
I would just force him home with me but Hoseok has been working with him among a few other employees so I can't really stop it. He's always been a workaholic and recluse. This doesn't really surprise me but what does surprise me is his attitude towards me.
He's not...rude per say...but there's something about his tone that I dislike. Maybe it's a little condescending perhaps.
He's treating me like a child again only never in a way he once did with affection and care. No, he's cold and distant about it. Like I'm irritating him. Like I'm being annoying.
I'm not having it. No more. He's going to honor our arrangement. Enough is enough. I made special plans tonight so he can in no way reject me.
I invited my investor and his daughter over for dinner and a meeting.
I stand in the doorway, arms crossed, and watch Namjoon finish up commanding the others on what to do. Clearing my throat, I smile and nod towards Hoseok who actually looks relieved to see me.
Perhaps Namjoon is running them ragged. He's a powerhouse when it comes to work and knowledge. I doubt the others can keep up.
"Thank you all for your hard work but I'm cutting the cord tonight. I appreciate all the overtime but I know you are missing your families. Please go home now and get some rest. You have my permission to arrive late tomorrow." I address the entire staff and they all clap and smile.
Namjoon...not so much. He looks around as if all have betrayed him. Funny. Hoseok sighs and claps my shoulder. "Thanks so much. Namjoon has been trying to kill us with exhaustion, I think. I like the guy but holy shit." He shakes his head. "I'm beat."
"I figured. He likes to work."
"I got that. He needs a break, though. He's too hard on himself." He frowns.
"I'll take care of it."
His sunny smile returns. "Thanks. I'm heading out."
I wait until everyone else is gone before heading over to Namjoon's desk. He sits and stares down at his plans. I slam my hand down over them, gathering his full attention. "Trying to kill my staff, I see."
He glances up, scoffing. "I'm just trying to get this finished. We are so close for them to quit now. I'll just have to finish it myself."
"Not an option. I'm your boss and I told you to stop." I sigh. "Stop it, Joon. I, like everyone else, can see the dark circles under your eyes. You haven't been sleeping at all."
He shrugs off my concern. "Work is more important—"
"There's a limit even for you." I take a deep breath, not wanting to argue with him. "We have plans tonight. Plans you can't get out of."
He groans, rubbing his face. "When will this contract be over again?"
I ignore the sting in my chest at his easy dismissal. "Soon enough. For now you will honor it. I've been letting you slide recently but tonight I need you to do your part."
He looks up at me for a long time. It makes me feel self conscious in my extravagantly expensive suit. I'm front of him I feel I should be wearing my old favorite ripped jeans and his oversized sweatshirt. I used to love stealing his clothes and smelling them on me, weird as it sounds.
"Okay. I'll do it." His tone is surprisingly soft. He glances around. "I need to shower. I haven't left this office in almost two days." He grimaces.
"Let's go home."


At home, he immediately heads to the bathroom to shower while I change out of my work suit. I opt for a deep blue silk shirt and black dress pants. I style my dark hair back, flashing my forehead as I spray a dash of cologne on my skin.
I lay out a simple outfit for Namjoon. A striped dress shirt fitted to show off his strong muscles and black slacks go accentuate his perfect ass. I smirk at the ensemble just as he walks out still wet wit a towel around his hips.
I have to look away to keep my composure. Don't be a perv, Kook. You know he doesn't want you. That night was a drunken mistake on his part...
He eyes the outfit. "Boxers?"
I blink, surprised. Right. I forgot those. Clearing my throat, I grab a random pair from my drawer and throw it over to him. He holds up the black silk with a raised eyebrow.
I shrug. "I like feeling luxurious. Sue me."
Chuckling, he slips them on under the towel before dropping it and pulling on the slacks. I gulp at his flexing muscles and half naked body. God, how can such a hermit be
I turn away, feeling my face red. Get a grip, get a grip. You're acting like a innocent virgin. Stop being a freak.
"You okay?"
I turn back with a flashy smile. "Peachy."
Although obviously not convinced, he nods and finishes buttoning up his shirt. He checks out his reflection before running a hand through his hair. "I like this. It's nice, thank you."
"I thought you would. It suits you." And it really does. It's perfect.
"So where are we going?"
I get ahold of myself. "We're having a dinner meeting with my investor and his daughter."
"Are they ever going to give up?"
I smile. "This isn't about the marriage. It's actually business but he likes inviting his daughter. I just don't want to give them any doubts on our relationship so they won't start harassing me again." I admit.
He nods. "I guess that makes since."
"Afterwards...I thought maybe we could invite Jin and his boyfriend back over. I know you haven't seen them recently and they've been messaging me about your health."
His eyes widen. "Really? I haven't been checking my phone much. Now I feel bad."
"I reassure them you are just working hard. I know they'd love to see you for themselves, though."
I beam. "Yeah. No problem." I walk to his side and take his hand, meeting his eyes. "You help me, I'll help you. With anything."
He shifts uncomfortably so I let his hand go, cursing myself internally. Why does he have to bring his walls back up? Why can't we just continue as we had been?
"Well, we'd better go. It's good to get there early."
He nods and grabs his coat. I take mine and the keys to my car. I have a driver but I lift driving for myself. Especially with Joon. He never got to see me drive as a teen. I like showing off to him.
I pause at the door and look over the car. "Here." I toss the keys to him. He catches them, surprised. "You drive."
He smiles and immediately hops behind the wheel while I take the passenger seat. I enjoy watching him drive as I give out directions to our destination.
We arrive five minutes early for our meeting and take a table in the VIP section. It's empty and very spacious. I expect Namjoon to take the seat across from me but he sits right beside me instead. Our thighs touching.
I study his profile as he eyes the menu. He's so handsome with or without his thick glasses. Always have been. Others used to make fun of his looks but I never once thought he was unattractive. Just misunderstood with a unique style. I loved every style, too. I thought they all suited him.
Not as much as his current one does now, though. Now he's...breathtaking. I notice all the women in our company taking double takes at him and even some of the men.
He doesn't even realize it, either. How truly attractive it is. How beautiful he is naturally.
"You're staring again." He mumbles, not taking his eyes from the menu.
I smirk. "So? I can't stare at my boyfriend?"
He blushes. "Stop please."
"Nope. I want to look at you. Let everyone around us be jealous." I tease.
He scoffs, finally glancing at me. "I think they are all jealous of me, Kookie. You're stunning and you know it." He mutters as if it's obvious.
His compliment makes me flush. Sure, I've heard so many people compliment my looks but coming from him—The only person who's opinion matters to me? It makes my heart swell.
"Well...I'm yours so." Shrugging, I take a chance and lace our fingers together on the table. I lean closer until my mouth touches his ear. "Let them all be envious of the both of us."
He shivers as I pull away. I smile triumphantly.
Instead of pulling away, he squeezes my hand tighter. I find myself lost in his dark gaze as he looks back...
A throat clears and he releases my hand. I swallow and look over as our guests take their seat across from us. "Good evening, Mr. Choi." I nod towards his daughter, noticing another gentleman as he enters the room and takes a seat next to the lady.


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      Mr. Choi smiles coyly and nods towards the two. "Mr. Jeon. You know my daughter, Choi Soha...please meet my son, Choi Seung-hyun. Perhaps we can renegotiate this marriage thing as my son is willing to step up for the honor."
     Both Namjoon and my jaw drops in shock. Seriously?

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